Talking About Having Kids

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up around 8:30 in the morning. Today, Niall and I are having Theo around with us today because Greg and Denise are going to do somethings together. Theo should be here in about 30 minutes so I got up and got myself ready. As soon as I heard a knock on the door, I noticed that Niall was still asleep with the covers pulled over his head, which gave me an idea.

As soon as I answered the door, Theo ran towards me.

"Aunty Y/N!"

"Hey Theo, are you ready to have some fun today?"


I looked up towards Greg and Denise.

"We'll be back to pick him up around 8:00 tonight. Thanks for watching him today" Denise told me.

"You're welcome. He's a joy to have around!"

"Awe thank you Y/N! Well we're gonna go so we'll see you later. Bye Theo be good."


I closed the door just as Greg and Denise left.

"Aunty Y/N, where's Uncle Niall?"

"He's still sleeping, you wanna go wake him up?"


"Ok let's go!"

When we got to mine and Niall's bedroom, I peeked in through the door to notice that Niall was still in the same position I saw earlier.

"Ok Theo the coast is clear, go get him."

Theo walked towards the bed, climbed up onto it, and started jumping on Niall.

"It's time to get up Uncle Niall!"

Niall started moving slowly as he was rubbing sleep from his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes he saw Theo sitting on his lap.

"Hey Theo, were you jumping on me" Niall asked pulling his nephew in for a hug.

"Yeah I was cos I wanna play with you and Aunty Y/N."

"Alright buddy why don't you let your uncle get ready and all three of us can do an activity together."

"Ok Aunty Y/N"

"Morning babe" my husband said walking towards me and kissing my lips. "Morning Ni."


Niall and I both laughed at our nephews reaction.

"Uncle Niall why are you in your underwear?"

"It's what I sleep in now how about you and Aunty Y/N go plan what we should do today while I get ready."


Theo and I went downstairs and he brought up the idea of going to the park that wasn't too far from where Niall and I lived. As soon as Niall came downstairs we told him what the plan was and he agreed.

We headed to the park, and once we arrived Theo immediately ran towards the playground. Niall and I caught up with him to see that he was already on the slide. Niall stood at the bottom of the slide and caught him when he reached the bottom.

"Gotcha" Niall said laughing along with Theo as he continued to let his nephew play on the playground.

After a while Theo got hungry and tired, so we decided to go pick up some lunch and head back to the house and watch a movie.

The three of us just played around in the yard and watched movies the rest of the day until Greg and Denise arrived.

"Thanks for watching over him today"

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