Morning Sickness

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When I woke up this morning, I made a mad dash to the bathroom and threw up. Morning sickness has been taking a serious hit on me.

As I was taking a breath, I felt a hand on my back. I turned around to see Niall rubbing my back.

"It's ok babe, I'm here"

"Thanks Ni" I said before throwing up once more. Niall held my hair back as it happened. Once I was done, I leaned my head against his chest and Niall, being the supporting husband he is, placed a cool washcloth on my head.

"You ok now?"

"I'm done being sick, but I really need to lay down" I told him.

"Alright, do you think you can make it to our bed" Niall asked as he helped me stand up but I started to feel dizzy as I got to my feet.

"Don't worry babe, I'll carry you" Niall said as he lifted me up bridal style and brought me to our bed. Once he laid me down, he got down on his knees so he could make eye contact with me and started stroking my hair.

"Is there anything I can get you babe"

"I don't know, my stomach feels like it's empty and I feel really weak"

"Do you wanna try eating something"

"Yeah, maybe just some crackers and hard candy"

"Alright babe I'll bring you some" my husband said as he placed a kiss to my forehead before heading down to the kitchen.

I'm not sure how long Niall was downstairs but I really wanted him to cuddle with me as well. I started to become teary eyed because of how I was feeling. A few minutes later, Niall came back into the room with a tray with crackers, hard candy, and two mugs. As he approached me, he saw me crying.

"Oh darling, what's wrong" Niall said as he set the food down before getting in bed next to me and pulling me close to him so I was sitting upright against him. As much as I wanted to tell my husband what was going on, I could barely form words.

"It's ok babe let it out, let it out, take your time and breathe" my husband said soothingly as he allowed me to lay on his shoulder and rubbed my back, kissing my head every so often letting me know that he's here for me which helped me calm down. He even covered me with a blanket as he noticed I was shivering and had goosebumps.

"Do you think you can talk now" Niall softly said to me after I had calmed down.

"I've only been pregnant for a few weeks and it's already taking a hit on me, I don't know how much longer I can put up with being sick in the morning" I told my husband who was still rubbing my back.

"You can get through this babe, I'll be with you every step of the way, and in the end we'll be holding our little one" my husband said while trying to comfort me.

"Thanks Ni, now I feel better knowing that I have you with me" I said leaning against him.

"You're welcome babe" my husband said as he kissed my head and gave me the food he brought up for me along with one of the mugs he brought up.

"I made you some peppermint tea as well babe"

"Thanks Ni"

"You're welcome, we'll just lay low and take it easy today"

I shook my head in agreement as I took a sip of tea and snacked on a few crackers and hard candy. Niall had some crackers as well and we turned on Celebrity Family Feud for a while. We were watching 5sos against the Chainsmokers when I felt really tired to the point where I laid my head on my husband's shoulder, which made Niall turn towards me.

"You okay darling"

"Yeah I'm just really tired"

"Awe darling come here" my husband said as he carefully adjusted me to lay on his chest in a way we were both comfortable and he rubbed my back.

"Thanks Niall"

"Anything for my darling wife" he said and placed a kiss to my forehead. And we continued watching the show, and eventually I ended up falling asleep on my husband.

Niall's POV

We were now on Round 4 of 5sos vs Chainsmokers when I felt Y/N's breathing become heavy. I turned to see her fast asleep on me. She looks exhausted. As her husband, I wish I could make the morning sickness and nausea go away, but I can't, and it's making me feel bad. But I know the number one thing that I can do for her during this time is be here to support her and be there for her when she needs me.

Most of the crackers were gone and Y/N drank all her tea, so at least she wasn't sleeping on an empty stomach, which isn't good for nausea.

I carefully grabbed the remote to turn the volume down so it wouldn't wake Y/N up. I was careful not to wake my pregnant wife cos I knew she needs rest during this time considering the fact she has our first baby developing inside of her.

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