Getting Ready for the Hospital

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Niall POV:

Y/N has been sleeping for the past few hours. I'm just hoping she feels better when she wakes up. I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and on her bump. I then carefully grabbed my phone so I wouldn't startle my sleeping wife and checked my Twitter and Instagram. A few minutes later, I felt Y/N move slowly, which meant she was waking up.


I slowly woke up to find my husband looking at his phone. I reached up to stroke my husband's face and he looked at me smiling.

"Hey babe, how are you feeling"

"Hey Ni, I feel a lot better, thanks for helping me earlier"

"Anything for you babe, I just wanted to help you feel better" he said as he kissed me.

"Thanks Niall, you know what else we need to do"


"Pack our bags for the hospital and get her car seat in the car"

"You're right babe, why don't we do that now"

"Good idea"

Niall helped me get out of bed and we started packing clothes and toiletries for ourselves along with our chargers and laptops in two carry-on bags. I also packed nursing bras and nursing tanks. Once we had our bags packed, we headed to Harper's nursery to pack things for her.

"Do you know what we need to pack for Harper babe?"

"Diapers, baby wipes, burp cloths, two to three outfits, socks, her blanket, a little hat, and a going home outfit"

"Alrighty then let's get those things"

We got all the things in her bag and we decided that her going home outfit is going to be a black and pink outfit with a matching hat and headband. Harper also kicked at the moment we picked the outfit.

 Harper also kicked at the moment we picked the outfit

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"Is she kicking"

"Yeah she is, she must like the going home outfit"

Niall came closer to me and wrapped his arm around me.

"Only about a week to go and she'll be here, I hope she's as lovely as her mummy" Niall said stroking my stomach.

"And has a good heart just like her daddy"

Niall and I hugged each other in a loving embrace completely over the moon that we would soon be a family of three. Then my husband's phone started playing the song we had our first dance to at our wedding.

At the line "to carry children of our own" Niall had his hand on my baby bump. At the end of the song our lips connected into a long loving kiss. Once we pulled away, Niall bent down and kissed my baby bump. He then stood back up to face me again.

"I love you babe"

"I love you too Ni"

We kissed again.

"Alright we've got all the bags packed so how about we load them into the car so that way we have everything in the car ready when you go into labor" Niall suggested once we pulled away.

"Good idea Ni" I said as we went down to the garage with our luggage and loaded it into the car. Niall also put Harper's car seat in the back of the car.

"Well babe, everything's all ready to go all we have to do now is wait til you're in labor"

"I know I'm excited to meet our little Harper"

"Me too babe me too"

We kissed each other again and walked into the living room and sat down to enjoy our last few moments as just the two of us.

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