Illness Scare

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Harper has been relentless all day today. She fell asleep about 15 minutes ago, when all of a sudden I heard a very strange noise through the baby monitor followed by Harper crying so I immediately went to her nursery. When I entered her nursery, I noticed that she was having difficulty breathing and her cheeks were bright red.

"Oh Harper sweet girl, mummy's here" I cooed as I picked her up. I noticed she felt too warm. Then I realized that Harper had a fever. Her cries started getting louder, so I knew I had to act fast. I reached into my pocket, grabbed my phone and called an ambulance.

"What's your emergency"

"My baby girl is having trouble breathing and won't stop crying. I think she might have a really bad fever"

"Okay, how old is she"

"3 months"

"Alright mam we're on our way"


I quickly packed up the diaper bag for the hospital, got my purse, and Harper's car seat. Once I was done getting ready, the ambulance had arrived.

"Hello, can we see her"


The ambulance nurses examined Harper.

"Mam we need to get her to the hospital, I'm so sorry"

"Ok can I ride in the ambulance with her"

"Of course"

"Thank you"

I then got myself, the packed things and Harper into the back of the ambulance and it didn't take long till we arrived at the emergency room.

"Mam we're gonna take her and test her for a few things real quick so we know what we're dealing with, and we'll let you know what the situation is once we find out" a nurse told me.

"I promise your baby girl is in good hands"

"Thank you, and how long will it take"

"Like 5 minutes, we'll notify you once we're done"


As the doctors and nurses took Harper into a room, I quickly called Niall cos I knew he would want to be here too for his baby girl.

"Hey Y/N what's up"

"Niall I'm at the ER with Harper"

"Oh no what happened babe"

"I don't know yet, they're currently doing tests on Harper, just get here quick"

"Alright darling, I'm on my way"

"Okay see you in a few"

Niall sounded pretty panicked as well, considering it's our baby girl who is in the ER.

About 5 minutes later, a doctor came up to me.

"Family of Harper Horan"

"Yeah that's me"

"Can I please get your name and relationship to Harper"

"Y/N Horan and I'm her mother"

"Ok so we did some tests on her and it's gonna take us a few minutes to get the results. You may see her and she can be picked up and held, but she is connected to a couple things so please watch those."

"I will, thank you doctor"

"One other thing I'm gonna ask you Mrs. Horan, is anyone else coming to see Harper"

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