Mummy Daughter Moment

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It was about 11:00 in the morning. I was downstairs with Harper. Niall stayed home from work today due to being sick with a really bad cold, so he was upstairs sleeping.

"Hey Harper, mummy has a special project that we can do together. We're gonna make daddy some chicken noodle soup and tea to help him feel better" I told Harper as I picked her up and brought her into the kitchen. I placed her in her bouncy chair so I could get all the ingredients ready because I was making my mother's special chicken noodle soup recipe. This recipe always helped me feel better when I was sick during my childhood. Niall hasn't even tried this recipe yet, even though we've been together for four years, including our two year marriage.

I got out all the ingredients and the cooking supplies for making the soup, then Harper started to whimper and make grabby hands towards me.

"Oh Harper it's ok" I cooed to her as I picked her up. She then laid her head on my shoulder, telling me she just wants to be held for a while. So I decided to put her in a Moby Wrap that Eleanor had given me. I carried Harper to her nursery, laid her on her changing table, grabbed the Moby Wrap, put it on, and placed her in. I also made sure that she was sitting in the wrap comfortably and safely so she wouldn't fall. Harper then laid her head on my chest.

"You like that Harper. Alright let's go make daddy his little surprise" I said as I carried her back downstairs to the kitchen.

After I finished cooking the chicken, chopping the veggies, and getting a pot of chicken broth boiling, Harper started whimpering again.

"Harper what's the matter now" I cooed to my baby as I looked down at her. I then saw her turning her head side to side, letting me know she was hungry. I looked at the clock to see that it was actually time for Harper's first afternoon feed. I'm also able to feed her in the Moby Wrap, so I decided to do that so I could make Niall his feel better surprise.

"Alright Harper, I shall feed you" I cooed to her as I carefully lowered the Moby Wrap so her mouth was in line with my nipple, unclipped my nursing bra, lowered one shoulder side of the wrap, pulled out my breast through my breastfeeding T-shirt and allowed Harper to latch on, which she hungrily did. Once she latched on, she immediately started sucking. I then pulled the wrap strap back up onto my shoulder, and kissed Harper's head.

"There you go Harper, have as much milk as you need."

While Harper was feeding, I brought the chicken, the veggies, and the noodles to the pot on the stove and started stirring the soup until it was fully cooked. I then turned off the stove and made Niall some tea with honey and lemon to help with his sore throat. I then transferred some of the soup into a travel soup container so it would stay hot til Niall wakes up. I did the same thing with Niall's tea once it was done.

I then checked on Harper who had fallen asleep while eating. She had only been latched on for about 7 minutes and usually her first afternoon feed takes about 10 minutes. I decided to sit down in the living room and let Harper finish eating before I brought Niall's surprise up to our bedroom. A few minutes later, Harper finished feeding so I delatched her and burped her. Harper then fell asleep in the Moby Wrap.

"Nighty night Harper, mummy loves you" I said as I kissed her.

I then went into the kitchen to grab Niall's soup and tea to bring it upstairs to my sick husband. I carefully walked upstairs so I wouldn't spill the soup or tea on Harper.

I decided to put Harper in her crib first because I really didn't want to take her into the master bedroom more than I have to cos I don't want her getting sick. I placed Niall's surprise on a little table we have in Harper's nursery, slowly and gently took her out of the Moby Wrap, covered her with her blanket, and laid her in her crib before taking off the wrap.

When I entered the master bedroom, I saw Niall still sleeping, so I set his surprise on his nightstand along with some medicine to help with his cold and quietly left the room so I could let him sleep a little longer.

I then went back downstairs to the kitchen to clean up the cooking ware I used to make the chicken noodle soup and put the rest into the fridge to eat for later. Once I was done I headed back upstairs to change my shirt, as it had gotten soaked while I was cleaning the kitchen. I quietly entered the room, grabbed another shirt and changed in the bathroom. Once I finished changing, I heard a sneezing and coughing fit, which meant Niall was awake. I stepped out of the bathroom to find my husband sitting up in bed with a blanket over his shoulders sneezing into a tissue. He then blew his nose and stopped his sneezing fit.


He then turned to look at me.

"You okay"

"No I feel so awful" his voice was harsh and raspy.

"Oh Ni, here take this, it'll help you feel better"

Niall showed me a small nod and took the medicine I brought up for him.

"Here Ni, I made you some tea and soup, actually it was me and Harper who made it"

"Awe, thanks babe and where is Harper"

"In her crib, sleeping. She fell asleep about 30 minutes ago, but she really wants her daddy to feel better soon"

"Awe" Niall said as he tasted the soup.

"Babe what kind of soup is this"

"My mom's special chicken noodle soup recipe. She used to make this for me and my sister all the time when we were sick, and it helped out a lot"

"This is so good, your mom is so good at cooking"

"I'll let her know"

Niall enjoyed the soup and tea that Harper and I had made for him, and was feeling better the next day. I really enjoyed using the Moby Wrap with Harper while cooking and will definitely be using it more often until Harper is too big for it.

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