First Bottle

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Niall POV:

Y/N and I had decided it would be best to start introducing bottles to Harper so that way Y/N is able to go out and do things with friends and either I can stay at home with Harper or we can get a babysitter.

Y/N had expressed milk into a few bottles so that way I could feed her this afternoon as Y/N wasn't feeling too well today so she was upstairs resting. I was downstairs playing and talking with Harper. A few minutes later, Harper started crying due to being hungry.

"Alright Harper, daddy's gonna get your bottle ready so he can feed you" I said as I picked her up and brought her into the kitchen. I then set her down in her bouncy chair that we have in the kitchen so we can keep an eye on her while cooking and eating. I then got her bottle out of the fridge and placed it in the microwave to warm it up.

Once her bottle was done, I checked it on my wrist to make sure it wasn't too hot or too cold for her. Once I checked it, Harper's cries had gotten louder.

"Harper, daddy has your bottle, I shall feed you" I said as I picked her up, brought her into the living room, sat down on the couch, cradled her in a semi-upright position while supporting her head, brought the tip of the bottle to her mouth, and she took it and started sucking.

I couldn't help but smile at my baby girl, knowing how much she needed to be fed and that I was able to feed her her first bottle.

"There you go Harper, you enjoying your first bottle" I cooed to her as she was gulping down the milk.

About 5 minutes later, Harper finished her bottle, so I gently took it out of her mouth so I wouldn't hurt her, lifted her up to my shoulder and started burping her. After she burped, I cradled her against my chest and rubbed her back. Harper then let out a big yawn, revealing she was starting to feel sleepy.

"Alright Harper, come on" I softly cooed to her as I stood up with her in my arms and carried her upstairs to her nursery. Once I arrived at her nursery, Harper started to whimper.

"What's wrong Harper" I cooed to her and she grabbed onto my shirt with her little fist while still whimpering.

"Shh shh Harper, it's ok" I cooed to her while swaying side to side and rubbing her back. She then calmed down a little bit, so I walked over to her crib to grab her blanket. As I was grabbing her blanket, she started whimpering again.

"Hey Harper, it's alright, daddy was just grabbing your blanket" I cooed to her, knowing she can't sleep without her blanket. Harper then grabbed two fistfuls of my shirt and laid her head close to my shoulder. I could tell she was really tired but didn't want to be put in her crib.

"Alright Harper, you're ok" I cooed as I sat down in the rocking chair, covered Harper with her blanket, and started slowly rocking in the chair while rubbing her back. I then started singing So Long to Harper, and once I finished the song, Harper was fast asleep in my arms but she was still holding onto my shirt. So I decided to just let Harper sleep in my arms, after all that was why she was whimpering earlier.

"Nighty night Harper, daddy loves you my precious baby girl" I quietly cooed to her as I kissed her head. Honestly I love every part of fatherhood, but just cradling my sleeping baby girl in my arms is my favorite part at the moment.

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