Deciding on a Birth Plan

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Niall and I were currently at the doctor's office for our final ultrasound before Harper arrives. We were also going to decide on a birth plan today.

"You ready for this babe" Niall asked me as he squeezed my hand.

"Yeah, are you"

"I sure am" Niall told me.

When we were called back, Niall helped me stand up and we walked hand-in-hand where we met the doctor.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Horan, ready for your appointment?"

"Yeah" Niall and I said at the same time.

"Alright we'll start with doing the final ultrasound" the doctor said as she got the equipment ready while Niall helped me lay back on the table and I lifted my shirt up. The doctor put the gel on my stomach and ran the scanner over my stomach and our baby popped up on the screen.

"Mr. and Mrs. Horan, your baby is perfectly healthy and is in the right position for birth, but still continue to book appointments every week till you go into labor" she said as she cleaned off my stomach and Niall helped me sit up.

"Do you know when labor will happen" I asked.

"It can happen any day now, you'll know when you start having contractions at first they will feel like Braxton Hick's contractions, but they will get stronger and more frequent as they progress."


"Have you guys thought about how you want your birth plan to be?"

"We've decided that it would be best if I gave birth at the hospital just in case anything happens" I told the doctor.

"Ok, have you thought about who you want to have in the room with you?"

Niall and I looked at each other. "Can it just be the two of us?"

"Of course! Do you plan on doing any medications during labor?"

"Honestly at the moment all I really want is an epidural, but if you recommend anything else during labor, I'll give it a go"

"Alright, how do you plan on feeding your baby?"


"Okay, one more question, there's an examination that is done on babies after birth, would you rather have us take her to the nursery to do it or just do it in the same room that you give birth in?"

"Can we have that done in the same room, we wanna be as close to her as possible" Niall said as he rubbed my back.

"Of course, do you have any questions"

"Is there a way we can make sure we have privacy from others who are not our families or friends" Niall asked.

"Of course, all visitors have to sign in and we'll call your room asking if it's okay to send them down to your room."

"Okay thank you doctor, we'll see you next week" Niall and I said as we shook hands with the doctor and headed home.

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