Interview & Meeting Fans

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Niall POV:

A few days ago on Twitter, I posted that I was going to allow two fans to interview me and Y/N in a secret location. Not only were they going to interview me and Y/N but they were going to meet Harper as well. We were now on our way to the secret location where the interview was going to be taking place. My wife was sitting next to me and Harper was asleep in my arms while wrapped in her blanket.

"You ready for this Niall"

"Yeah, I love talking to my fans and fan interviews are my personal favorite"

"This time you'll have both me and our baby with you"

"Yeah, the only question is, will she be asleep the whole interview or will she wake up" I said as I gently rubbed Harper's back.

"She'll probably wake up, she's been asleep for about an hour and a half already"

After a few more minutes, we arrived at the secret location and went to our dressing room. When we arrived, Harper started waking up.

"Hi Harper, did you have a good nap" I cooed to her. She then started to become fussy.

"Awe baby girl, what's the matter" I cooed to her. I was then able to smell the problem.

"Alright Harper, let's get you cleaned up and changed"

Once Harper was changed, we were told that the interview was going to be starting in a few minutes. The interview was going to start off with me greeting the two fans, then Y/N and Harper would be coming in the room a few minutes into the interview. The fans were already in the room.

"You ready Niall"

"Yeah, I'll meet you in there"

"Okay" my wife said as she kissed me, then I went in the room to meet the two fans.

"Hey girls"

"Hey Niall" they said coming up hug me.

After they hugged me, we then sat back down.

"What are your names"

"I'm Kylie"

"I'm Annie"

"Kylie and Annie, where are you from"


"Alright, you ready to meet Harper"

"Yes, we've been looking forward to this all day"

"Alright can you let Y/N know that she can come in the room now" I asked a security guard who agreed and went to tell my wife and our baby girl. A few minutes later, both my girls came in the room. Kylie and Annie were in awe when they saw Harper.

"Hey girls"

"Hi Y/N, oh my goodness isn't she adorable"

"Thank you, she's awake as well" my wife said as she sat down next to me.

"What are your names girls"



"We've prepared questions to ask the two of you, but first things first, can we hold her" Kylie asked.

"Of course" Y/N said as she stood up and placed Harper in Kylie's arms. Once Harper was settled in her arms, she grabbed onto Kylie's finger.

"Hi Harper, you're so cute and you've got a strong grip, yes you do" Kylie cooed to her.

"Does she do that a lot, grab onto people's fingers" Annie asked.

"Yeah, she did that to both of our families and the lads when they met her in the hospital" I told the girls.

"Alright how about we start the questions. So Y/N what was the most memorable part of your pregnancy" Kylie asked my wife.

"Probably when I found out I was pregnant, our gender reveal, and when we were in the hospital"

Annie then asked the next question. "How much does she wake up in the middle of the night"

"She actually sleeps through the night"

"How do you two manage to make that possible"

"We have a nighttime routine, so it starts off with us either giving her a bath or just putting her in her pjs, then I feed her, then Niall burps her and just cradles her against his chest and rubs her back. Works every night."

"Wow, She must really love that time"

"She does" I told the girls.

"Can I hold her now" Annie asked.

"Yeah, can you pass her over Kylie"

"Sure here Annie" Kylie said as she handed Harper to her friend. Once Harper was in Annie's arms, she grabbed Annie's finger.

"What was the hardest part of your pregnancy Y/N" Annie asked.

"Morning sickness was taking a hit on me in the beginning, and towards the end of my pregnancy was rough cause I felt tired all the time. Also when we were out at the mall doing baby shopping, there was a psycho fan who was trying to find us."

"Oh my, did she actually find you"

"She was really close to finding us. We were hiding in the back of a store and the manager was trying to contain her. She eventually broke free from the manager and she started trashing the store. Before she could trash the area we were hiding in, the cops grabbed her and she was arrested."

"Wow that sounded like it was scary"

"It was"

Kylie then asked about the tweet that Niall had made about our first time in public with Harper.

"So what happened was we were out at a store and as we were about to check out, Harper became hungry so I went over to the restaurant area to feed her then a man purchasing food started yelling at me, telling me how disgusting I was for feeding her, he ended up calling me a whore as well. I responded with I'm feeding my baby and I have the right to do it here, leave me alone. He completely ignored what I said and that's how this situation came to life"

"Wow, there's definitely nothing wrong with breastfeeding in public. Babies get hungry and mums should be able to feed their babies when they're hungry." Kylie said.

"Also Niall, what you said to that man, he definitely needs to do that"

"How long did it take to put her nursery together" Annie asked.

"About two hours" I told my fans.

"Were you both working on the nursery"

"No, my best friend and I were folding baby clothes in our bedroom while Niall was putting it together with help from one of the lads"

"Which one"


"How long were you in the hospital" Kylie asked.

"Two days"

"Have you ever sang to Harper Niall" Annie asked.

"Yeah I have, she loves it when I do that"

Kylie and Annie kept asking us questions until the interview ended. We then took a photo with the girls and then said thanks and good bye to them and headed home.

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