The Birth

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The delivery team came into the room and set up everything for me to have Harper.

"Alright Y/N and Niall, ready to meet your baby"

"Ready as we'll ever be" I said as the doctor helped me get into position to push.

"Alright Y/N, once you're ready to start pushing give it all you got for 10 seconds, take a breath, and repeat the process"

"Ok. Niall can you hold my hand" I asked as I held my hand out towards my husband.

"Of course babe" Niall said as he grabbed onto my hand and stroked it.

I then started pushing. The doctor started counting to 10 and when she reached 10 I took a breath and repeated the process.

"Good job Y/N, the head's almost out. Push again when you're ready."

I took a deep breath and pushed again.

"Babe you're doing great" Niall told me as he kissed my forehead.

As I was taking a breath the doctor told me to look down. The doctor was holding up a mirror which showed Harper's head that was almost out of me.

"Oh my god" I said almost crying.

"Y/N give it all you got on your next push" the doctor told me.

I nodded and pushed with all my might and before I knew it, our baby was out of me, and we heard her cry for the first time.

"OMG hi Harper" I said crying myself. I noticed that Niall was also crying.

"Congrats Y/N and Niall, do you wanna cut the cord Niall"

"I would love to" Niall said as he was handed a pair of scissors and cut the cord.

"Alright I'm gonna clean her off and examine her real quick" the doctor said taking her.

I looked at Niall who was smiling. "That was beautiful babe, I can't believe she's here"

"Thanks Niall, I can't believe she's here too"

"Dad do you wanna come take a look"

"Yes please"

Niall stepped over to where Harper was laying.

"Hi baby girl" Niall said gently stroking her hand. Harper then grabbed onto her daddy's finger, which melted both of our hearts. I saw it happen from the bed.

"Does she have a name daddy"

"Her name's Harper"

"Harper, she's so beautiful"

"Thank you"

Niall then came back over to me and kissed my temple. Both of us were still teary-eyed.

"Why are you crying Niall"

"I'm just so happy that our baby girl is here"

"Me too" I said as the doctor brought Harper back over to us, and gently placed her on top of my skin underneath my paper gown. Niall was standing right beside me. Harper was still crying a little bit.

"Hi Harper, it's mummy it's ok" I said as I rubbed her back and kissed her head. I then felt my husband stroking my hair. I looked up at him to see him smiling.

"Our little Harper Noelle"

"Our family is now officially the three of us babe" he said as he leaned in to kiss me, and we spent our first moment as a family with our new baby girl.

Harper Noelle Horan
Born November 16th at 9:13am
7lbs 12oz
21 inches

Niall Horan Baby Series Where stories live. Discover now