Labor Part 2

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About 10 minutes later, the anesthesiologist came into the room and explained that she needed me to sit on the edge of the bed with my back towards her.

"Can I hold onto you Niall"

"Of course babe" Niall said as he walked over to me. I laid my head against his chest and held onto his waist. Niall put both his hands on my shoulders.

"Ok when I insert the needle, it'll feel like getting a vaccination, are you ready mam" the anesthesiologist asked.


The anesthesiologist inserted the needle in my lower back and it felt sharper than a normal vaccination which caused me to let out a painful moan.

"It's ok babe" Niall told me as he started rubbing my upper back.

"Alright epidural is in, you are now clear to lay down"

"Thank you" I said to the anesthesiologist as Niall helped me lay down. After the anesthesiologist left the room, Niall lowered the bed railing so he could comfort me.

"How you feeling babe"

"I'm still tired but I feel good"

"You're doing good so far"

"Thanks Ni, I love you so much"

"I love you too Y/N"

We then held out our left hands and grabbed each other's hands and kissed each other. Once we pulled away, we just relaxed until the doctor came back to check me again.

I had gotten my epidural about an hour ago. The last time the doctor had checked me, I was 8cm dilated. The doctor then came back into the room to check me again.

"Y/N, you're now at a 9.5, so I'm gonna call my delivery team and we'll have you start pushing"

I felt a sigh of relief when the doctor said that. Niall then started stroking the top of my head.

"Alright babe this is it, we're about to have our baby girl" Niall said as he kissed me while we waited for the delivery team to arrive.

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