Deciding on a Name

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It was about 9:30pm. Niall was currently in the shower while I was sitting in bed writing down name ideas.

"Whatcha doing babe" Niall said as he came out of the bathroom and climbed into bed next to me.

"Thinking of name ideas for our baby girl" I told him. "Do you have any ideas?"

"Yeah, I've always wanted to name my first daughter Harper."

Just as Niall said that, the baby started kicking.

"That's one name I've got on the list. I was thinking about giving her a name that doesn't run in any of our families. Plus when you said Harper, she started kicking."

"Did she really" Niall said as he started rubbing my stomach.

"Yeah she did, I guess she likes the name Harper" I said as I put my hand on top of his.

"Looks like that's gonna be her first name then, now we just need to decide on a middle name"

"Alright, I wrote down some ideas for a middle name" I said showing my husband the list. "Is there one you had in mind?"

"Not really, and since we used my idea for her first name, why don't we use your idea for her middle name."

"Okay, looking at all the ideas I wrote down for a middle name, I feel like this one fits the most with Harper" I said pointing to a name on the list.

"I like that one too babe" Niall said as he kissed my temple.

"Looks like her name is official then, I can't wait til our little Harper Noelle is here" I said as I put the pad and pen on my bedside table before letting out a yawn.

"Neither can I babe" Niall said as he kissed me while rubbing Harper.

"Goodnight Ni" I said laying down and falling asleep instantly.

"Goodnight babe" Niall said as he kissed my forehead before falling asleep himself.

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