Telling Y/N's Family

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Today is my sister's 16th birthday, so Niall and I are going over for her surprise sweet 16. My family lives in the US, and Niall and I live in London, so she has no idea that we're coming. My sister and I are really close out of all my siblings, so I'm definitely looking forward to this.

We arrived in the US early this morning and we stayed in a hotel to keep the plan a surprise. We're also going to announce my pregnancy to my family at her party today.

Niall and I arrived at my parents house to see that most of the guests were already there.

"Y/N and Niall" my parents and family said.

"Hey everyone" I said as I stepped inside with my husband following me.

"Oh my goodness darling, you're absolutely glowing" my mom said as she hugged me.

"Thanks mom, when's Y/S/N supposed to get here" I asked as I went to give my dad a hug.

"Hopefully within 15 minutes" my dad told me.

"Have you been treating my daughter well Niall" my mom asked me which made both me and Niall blush.

"I sure have, I love her too much Y/M/N"

"Thank goodness, sometimes I do worry about her, but not as much as I used to"

About 10 minutes later, everything was set up for my sister's surprise sweet 16 and everyone was here, hiding. All that was needed was for my sister to arrive.

"You excited to tell everyone today" I heard Niall whisper to me.

"Yeah, let's save our gift to her for last" I told my husband.

"Good idea"

About a few minutes later, we heard the front door open and my sister say 'hello. is anyone here'

"Surprise" we all shouted as the lights were turned on.

My sister was completely shocked.

"OMG" she said as she noticed that all her friends were here, but when she saw me and Niall, she started to tear up and come towards the two of us.

"You came to my sweet 16"

"Of course I did, why would I wanna miss my only sister's 16th birthday. Plus, you were there for me on my sweet 16 and on my wedding day."

"Thanks for being here" my sister said.

"You're welcome" I said as my sister let go of me as she went to hug Niall.

"Happy birthday" Niall said to my sister.

"Thanks Niall" she said as she let go and went to chat to her friends.

The party was a blast so far. The food and cake tasted amazing, and the activities at the party were really fun. When it was time for my sister to open her gifts, Niall and I knew what was coming.

My sister has opened all of her gifts so far except for the gift from me and Niall. It was only 3 cards labeled 1, 2, 3, but it held something very special

"Alright, there's only three cards left and they're from Y/N and Niall" my sister said as she started to open them in numerical order. The first card contained concert tickets to Shawn Mendes. She literally backed up against the wall and put her hands on her face.

"What is it Y/S/N"

"Shawn Mendes concert tickets"



She then opened the second card, which contained the Shawn Mendes VIP package, which meant she got to meet him. She literally started crying tears of joy.

"What's that Y/S/N"

"I'm actually meeting Shawn Mendes" she said which made her friends get real excited.

"Y/N you didn't"

"It was actually Niall's idea to get her the VIP package, I suggested we get her the tickets"

"Shawn and I are good friends, so I told him about how much of a fan of him Y/S/N is, and he's letting her sit backstage with him for an hour to chat with him and she gets to bring a friend with her"

My sister's friends were all really excited all of a sudden, like if they were trying to compete for that spot.

When my sister opened the third card and read it she looked at me and Niall in complete shock.

When my sister opened the third card and read it she looked at me and Niall in complete shock

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"OMG Y/N you better not be messing with me" she said sounding really excited.

"I'm not" I told her.

"What do you mean Y/S/N" my parents asked. My sister showed them the card.

"You're pregnant Y/N" my parents asked.

"I am, Niall and I have our first baby on the way"

Everyone at the party started cheering for us, even my sister's friends. My sister came over to hug me and Niall.

"OMG best birthday gift ever, I can't wait to be an auntie and to meet Shawn Mendes, thank you so much, I couldn't ask for a better sister"

You're welcome and happy birthday" I said as she let go and hugged Niall who was behind me.

"OMG our first grandchild, how far along are you" my parents asked while hugging me.

"5-6 weeks"

"Oh my, please keep us posted"

"We will"

The party had ended a few hours ago and Niall and I were back in our hotel room because we are flying to Ireland the next morning. The two of us are currently relaxing in bed.

"One family down, one to go" I told my husband.

"I'm excited to tell my family tomorrow" Niall told me.

"Me too Niall, me too" I said as the two of us fell asleep with our hands on my stomach

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