Cold Day

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I woke up this morning and I was freezing. I slowly got out of bed and put my robe on and I noticed that a blizzard had occurred over night. Which meant that Niall and I can spend time with our baby girl. I then went to Harper's nursery who happened to be waking up at that time. She then started crying and shaking a little bit.

"Hey Harper, what's the matter" I cooed as I picked her up. I was then able to figure out what she was crying just by feeling her body and she was also moving her mouth.

"Oh you're cold and hungry, don't worry, mummy knows how to fix that for you"

I grabbed her blanket and wrapped her up in it, then grabbed another blanket, sat down in the rocking chair, opened my robe up, undid my nursing tank and started feeding her. I then covered Harper with the side of my robe that was opened and the other blanket as well. Harper had stopped shivering and was enjoying her breakfast.

"There you go sweet girl" I cooed to Harper as she enjoyed her breakfast. A few minutes later, I heard footsteps which meant that Niall was awake.

"Y/N babe, where are you"

"In Harper's room Niall"

Niall came into the nursery wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, which is something he rarely wears. He came and sat down on the chair next to me.

"I haven't seen you wear something like this in a long time Niall" I said as I kissed him.

"I got cold babe, which is rare for me. But I see that Harper got cold and hungry" Niall said reaching over to stroke her head.

"Yeah she's really cold"

"Oh baby girl" Niall said as stroked Harper's back.

"How about I get a fire going and we can snuggle up with her on the couch"

"That's a great idea Niall, I'll meet you downstairs"

"Ok babe"

Once Harper had finished feeding, I carried her downstairs to find a fire already going and Niall sitting on the couch.


"Yeah babe"

"I don't know about you, but I could use a cup of tea, do you want one"

"Sure babe, how about I take Harper while you make tea for two" Niall said as he stood up and held his arms out ready to take our baby girl into his arms.

I handed Harper to my husband and went into the kitchen to make two mugs of breakfast tea.

"Hi Harper, daddy just got a fire going in the fireplace so we can stay warm during this blizzard day. Do you want to see the snow" Niall said as he brought Harper over to the window. When Harper saw the snow, she put her hand towards the window.

"Isn't it pretty Harper" Niall asked her as I came in the living room with two mugs of tea to find my husband at the window with Harper. I set the mugs down on the coffee table and walked over to where Niall was.

"Whatcha doing"

"Showing our baby girl the snow"

"Looks like she thinks it's pretty" I told my husband as we looked at the snow for a few more minutes then went to the couch to enjoy our tea and time with our baby on this cold day.

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