First Bath

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Y/N's POV:

Our families and the boys have already met Harper, so now Niall and I were just relaxing with our baby girl. Harper just ate about 10 minutes ago, so she was currently relaxing in Niall's arms when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" Niall and I said.

A nurse entered the room carrying bathing supplies.

"How are you guys doing" the nurse asked.

"We're good"

"Alright, would it be okay if I teach you how to bathe her"

"That would be wonderful"

The nurse filled the tub with warm water, while Niall and I gently undressed Harper and undid her diaper to see that she had made her first poop.

Niall cleaned her up with the baby wipes and gently placed her in the bath. When Harper was placed in the bath, I was surprised that she didn't cry.

"I guess she loves the water" I said.

"She does babe"

The nurse guided the two of us as we bathed our daughter. Once her body was clean, Niall gently lifted her out of the tub, wrapped her up in a towel and gently held her so that her head was over the tub so he could wash her hair.

Once her hair was clean, Niall placed her on a little changing mat that was on the bed so we could get her dressed. Once the towel was taken off of Harper, she started to become fussy due to being cold.

"I know baby girl, we're gonna get you all dressed and warm" Niall said as he put a new diaper on her. The nurse then told us how to dress her and we put her in a pink onesie with white spots.

"Well done mom and dad, let us know if you need anything else" the nurse said as she gathered the bathing supplies and left the room.

"Thank you" Niall and I said as Niall picked Harper up.

"Did you like your first bath little one" Niall asked her as he cradled her which made Harper grab his finger.

"I take that as a yes" I said as Niall and I sat back down in the bed with Harper and relaxed with her for a while.

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