Something New

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In an instant, the darkness that had once surrounded the school suddenly vanished, every light in the vicinity magically coming back.

Pepper and Captain Cuddles shielded their eyes for a moment, having not seen so much light in a while.

"Hey, they're back!" Pepper happily exclaimed, grinning over at Captain Cuddles.

"I see they are!" He smiled back. The two peered over to their left, seeing that they were standing in front of a classroom door. From inside, screams could still be heard for some reason. The two looked at each other and raised a brow.

"Should I go and talk to them?.." Captain Cuddles offered, about to step inside.

"Nah. I got this." Pepper cracked her knuckles as she grinned at him, "just stay put and I'll be right back.."

The girl swung the door open, closing it behind her. She stepped back into the classroom, noticing Sugar Sprinkles, Buttercream and Shivers in one corner, then saw Sunil, Vinnie and Penny Ling in the other. They all had their eyes shut, unaware of the power being back on.

Pepper took a deep breath before standing before them.

"QUIET!!!" She loudly hollered.

In an instant, everyone shut their mouths, finally opening their eyes to the bright, classroom lights now back on.

"Woah, are we in heaven?" Vinnie whispered.

Sunil's eyes squinted as he realized that the power merely went out, Pepper standing there.

"No, it's just Pepper..."

Pepper crossed her arms. "Hey nerds. The power is back on! We can head over to the formal now!" She gestured for the door.

"Really? Phew. That's a relief." Sugar Sprinkles calmly stood up, Buttercream and Shivers nervously distancing themselves from her. "oh look, one more cupcake." The girl picked up a cupcake from a random tray, filled with extra sprinkles. She ate it as she walked out of the room. Everyone but Pepper stared at her in shock.

"Jeez...I thought she was never going to calm down. That girl is scary..." Shivers said.

"Oh, Pepper! Thank goodness you're back!" Penny Ling gasped, running up to her friend for a hug. It was a bit tight, seeing as they had all been in fright just moments ago. "We were so worried!"

"Good to be back..." Pepper managed to say through the hug.

"Were you able to find the Captain?" Sunil raised a brow.

"More like he found me." Pepper said as Penny Ling released from the hug, "He's waiting right outside."

"Well in that case, let's get going!" Buttercream quickly ushered Shivers out of the classroom as everyone else followed behind them.

Captain Cuddles and Sugar Sprinkles stood there, waiting for their friends. Soon, all 8 students began walking over to the gym, Pepper and Captain Cuddles trailing behind everyone else.

Vinnie and Sunil began taking slower steps, curious as to what the two were talking about. Penny Ling also noticed this, quickly taking the boys each by the arm and dragging them further away from the pair, wanting to give them their well deserved alone time.

Pepper nervously glanced from the Captain back to the ground. After that entire fiasco, was he mad at her? Upset? Disappointed? She was sure that she worried him when she didn't show up at the gym.

"Listen, I'm sorry about what happened." Pepper sighed, "I forgot to tell you about the movie and I lost track of time."

"Do not be sorry, Pepper." Captain Cuddles reassured, putting a hand on her shoulder, making the girl slightly flinch at the touch, "None of this was your fault."

"Yeah, But still," She shrugged, "I feel kinda bad for ditching you for a while there. I bet you don't even want to hang out with me after this.."

"Don't want to hang out with you?" He raised a brow, "On the contrary, I most certainly would love to be able to spend more time with you!" Captain Cuddles smiled.

"Really?" Pepper perked up, even after all that?"

"Why not? You seem like an interesting girl, Pepper. I'm not surprised at how many friends you have at this school." He continued, "You seem like someone who puts others before yourself, and I'm really impressed."

Pepper smiled. She did want to find her friends in the dark in case anything had happened to them. Without even realizing it too. He had a point. Deep down, Pepper really did have a soft side that's not expressed as often, only because her quirky, funny self was always outshining the rest of her personality.

"Besides, finding you in the dark was actually very...hilarious."

Pepper couldn't help but raise a brow back, "You thought that was hilarious?" She grinned, "What if I told you that I have a couple of jokes saved for tonight?"

"Jokes, you say? I'm very fond of those!" He grinned. "I always love hearing a good joke every once in a while!"

Pepper felt her heart beat at hearing this. He loves jokes!? She thought to herself, her grin widening. She wrapped her arms around his, looking right up at him, eyes brightening in joy. He looked at her, feeling his own cheeks reddening in surprise.

"Man oh man, I have so many to tell you! You'll be laughing so much by the end of it!" She laughed as the two walked down the hallway.

LPS High School AU Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang