Sweet Pepper (2)

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As soon as Captain Cuddles had left with the guys, Minka had quickly left the cafeteria to look for her comedian friend in the school hallway.

"Pepper?!" She hollered, beginning to pace around the hallway. There were many students crowded around the area, making it harder for the pink haired girl to find her friend.

"Pepper where are you?!" She looked inside from classroom to classroom. She would accidentally bump into a student or two, receiving a couple of glares back. However, she paid no mind to it.

After a while, Minka sighed as she had reached the janitor's closet, leaning against the door.

"Pepper! Wherever you are, this isn't funny!" She called out, unsure if Pepper was even around here. Frustrated, she crossed her arms and pouted.

"This is serious!"

"...and I thought Russell was the serious one."

The sudden voice made the girl perk up. She looked behind her, facing the door to the janitor's closet. Unsure if a voice had really replied to her comment, she lightly knocked on the door.

"What?" A voice called out from inside. It was definitely Pepper's.

"Pepper!" The girl grinned. She proceeded in opening the door, only to find it locked. Minka's eyes widened in fear.

"Oh no! Are you trapped inside?! Should I go get Russell?"

"Minka I'm fine!...I locked it on purpose..." Pepper responded from inside.

"What?" Minka raised a brow in confusion, not understanding why she did such a thing. It wasn't like Pepper to lock herself in such a small and enclose space.

"I said I locked myself in on-"

"I know I know! But...why?" She asked.

From inside, you could hear Pepper let out a sigh of frustration.

"Minka! Did you NOT just see what I did to that guy?! I PUNCHED his ARM!" Pepper exclaimed angrily.

Minka flinched at the sudden outburst, shocked at the same time. She had never heard Pepper so angry before! Sure there would be times that she and Zoe would argue, but this was beyond different from that.

"W-Well yeah but...I'm sure you didn't mean to do it!" She responded.

"Tell that to him..." Pepper sighed from inside. Minka held a sad expression on her face.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I guess...but I'm not coming out of here."

"And I'M not going in there!" Minka shuddered as she sat down against the door. Pepper chuckled in response.

"I know..."

It got quiet for a while until Minka spoke up.

"So...I'm curious..."

"Hm? About what?" Pepper asked.

"Well, Zoe always says that a girl acts weird around a guy because she likes him!" Minka grinned.

"And after seeing what you did to him, I'm starting to think that you like him..."

From inside, you could hear Pepper spitting out something that was probably water.

"W-WHAT?! Have you lost YOUR MIND?!" Pepper exclaimed.

"No I haven't! My mind is still inside my head!" Minka pointed to the top of her head, grinning to herself.

"I didn't mean- look...I-I don't LIKE him!"

"So...you hate him? Pepper that's not really nice!" Minka sarcastically commented, smirking.

"I don't hate him either!" Pepper groaned in annoyance. She put her arms on her knees and sighed.

"Honestly...I'm not sure what to think... I mean, I just met him and already I made a fool of myself! I'm sure he hates me..."

"Oh don't say that,Pep!" Minka reassured.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Well if you really want to know, Captain Cuddles found you...interesting!" Minka giggled. Just then, an idea came into her head.

"Ooh! We can totally help you make a better impression! Blythe says that the second impression is always better than the first!" She suggested, standing up.

"I don't remember her saying that-"

"Aw come on Pepper! Zoe Penny Ling and I will help you get the guy of your dreams!" Minka grinned.

"But what if it doesn't work? What if he finds me even weirder that ever?!"

"Oh please! What can possibly go wrong?"

It got silent for what seemed like forever until suddenly, the door slightly opened, revealing Pepper, who gave a small smile.


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