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"Man, I can't believe I stayed up just to catch a stupid scorpion."

Pepper yawned as she leaned over her locker, eyes droopy and tired. Next to her was Zoe, who was going through her locker.

"And it wasn't even a REAL scorpion! It was a scorpion from animal crossing!" Pepper continued, "and I died like 6 times!"

"Honestly darling, I'm surprised you're even here!" Zoe chuckled, "Knowing you, you would have used this as an excuse to stay home for the day."

"I'm not that dumb, Zo." Pepper rolled her eyes as Zoe closed her locker, "Besides, we have a math test today, remember?"

"Ugh, don't remind me." Zoe groaned as the two began walking towards their next class, "Digby and I were studying for it yesterday!"

"And by studying do you mean actual studying?" Pepper smirked, "Or do you mean—"

"ACTUAL studying, Pepper!" Zoe gave her a light nudge on her shoulder as the comedian snickered, "As much as I missed seeing him over the weekend, we have priorities!"

"Smart. Maybe Russell's way of thinking is starting to rub off on you." Pepper joked.

"Hey girls! Wait up!"

Both turned to find Penny Ling walking over to them.

"Took ya long enough! What happened?" Pepper asked, raising a brow.

"Sorry. But I was talking to Sugar Sprinkles on my way out, and she was super grateful that we helped her at the parade over the weekend, so she gave me these!" Penny Ling held out a couple of coupons, "It's for free icing pops!"

"Ooh, gimme one!" Pepper grinned as she took one of the coupons, "Wait, can I get another one? Or maybe three?"

"Pepper, you already had way too many icing pops during the parade." Zoe scolded as Penny Ling began putting the rest of the coupons away.

"Aw come on! One more wouldn't hurt, right Penny Ling?" Pepper looked at her.


"Pepper, these are icing pops." Zoe frowned, "and as good as they are, it's too much sugar!"

"Ugh, fine." Pepper muttered, tucking the one coupon in her pocket.

"So, instead of moping around, why don't you tell us about you and your new beau?" Zoe questioned, she and Penny Ling exchanging glances. Pepper suddenly paused, not daring to turn around.

"Don't know what you're talking about." Pepper yawned again.

"Oh Pepper, we literally saw you and the captain holding hands!" Zoe reminded.

"Sorry, who's 'we?'" Pepper asked.

"Well let's see," Zoe began to use her fingers to list off people who were there, "There was me, Sunil, Vinnie, Mitzi—"

"OKAY! Okay, I get it!" The comedian brushed off, finally turning back to face her friends. She lightly frowned, "It's just...I'm worried."

"Worried? Why?" Penny Ling gasped, "I thought you two had a great time!"

"And we did!" Pepper crossed her arms. "But...he said he wanted to talk to me about something during lunch today, and I don't know what! I mean, what if it's about what happened? Or what if he changed his mind? What if he only sees me as a friend? What if I was just DREAMING everything? Is THIS a dream? What if —"

"PEPPER!" Zoe grabbed her best friend's shoulders, "Snap out of it! For crying out loud, this is NOT. A. DREAM."

Pepper merely blinked. "O-Okay...guess it's not..."

LPS High School AU Where stories live. Discover now