Good Game

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"So, Pepper! How did it go with the captain?"

Pepper's glance left the field as Penny Ling spoke up, she and Zoe sitting next to her on the bleachers. While the game was still going on, Pepper hadn't heard her friend speak up just now.

"Come again?"

"You know! You were going to meet up with the Captain during lunch?" Zoe smirked, "does that ring any bells?"

"Oh...that..." Pepper's tone faltered, looking away momentarily.

Zoe and Penny Ling gave each other a nervous glance. What happened? Pepper had been a bit nervous but had gone with the captain with confidence. But now? She looked like she didn't want to say much. She had been awfully quiet the entire time as soon as lunch had ended. Zoe wasn't hoping for the worst.

"Darling, I'm sorry..—"

"Sorry for what?" Pepper looked back, her cheeks beginning to redden, "Sorry that the big goof asked me out on a date?"

"A DATE?!" Zoe shrieked as Penny Ling gasped. The boys glanced over at the sudden commotion, confused as to what has happened.

"Keep it down!" Pepper hissed as she quickly covered Zoe's mouth with her hand, "I don't need the whole school knowing!"

"HEASKEDYOUOUTONADATE?!" Zoe exclaimed, her voice muffled.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Penny Ling squealed as she brought Pepper in for a hug, ignoring her last comment.

"Not you too!" Pepper groaned as she let go of Zoe, who only piled onto the hug.

"Omigosh!!! Do you know what this means?!" Zoe squealed, "We can go out on double dates, you and I! Oh, darling I am so happy for you!"

"Zoe!" Pepper shushed. However, it was too late as the boys quickly turned their heads, having heard it all.

"Wait, the captain asked you out?" Sunil scooted closer, suddenly interested in the conversation.

"As in...on a date?" Vinnie smirked.

"He asked Pepper?" Russell chimed in.

"SHHHHUSHH!" Pepper frowned, releasing from the hug, giving the boys a death glare. It wasn't really intimidating, seeing as how red her face was getting. "Stop telling everyone!"

"Oh relax, kiddo." Cheep Cheep smirked, "You can trust us!"

"Right?" Zoe chuckled, "This is just between you and your six best friends, and Cheep Cheep—Oh, hang on!" Out of nowhere, Zoe stood up, calling out towards the field. "Minka! The captain asked Pepper out on a DATE!"

"He did?!" Minka halted, the ball currently in her grasp, surprised. "As in on a DATE DATE DATE? Or the DATE as in the DATE? TODAY?"

"YES A DATE DATE!" Zoe grinned.

"Zoe!" Pepper stood up, fuming while the others merely chuckled. Typical of Zoe, not wanting to leave her friends out of any news she had.

"That's awesome!" Minka whooped back, excited for her friend, "where are you two going?"

"Hey! Less talking, more playing!" Fluffy Lightning ran towards the pink haired girl, who quickly began kicking the ball towards the goal.

Pepper grumbled as she crossed her arms, sitting back down. It wasn't like Pepper to get nervous when it came to things like relationships, but it was a first. This was the first time anyone has actually asked her out on a date, and she wasn't really sure how she was supposed to react. Of course, she accepted his offer, but what was one supposed to do during a date?

LPS High School AU Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum