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"Right here!"



"What? I'm getting hungry!"

"Well I know there's some leftover spaghetti from earlier..."

"Eh. It'll do..."

Pepper Clark and Penny Ling were at Penny's house, working on a project. It was done, except that there was a mild accident. A piece of the house had chipped off, so the girls had to fix it up again. With Penny's guidance and Pepper's assistance, it was surely going to be fixed!...


"I sure hope we can fix this birdhouse in time! And to think we've spent so much time on it!" Penny Ling held the piece of the now broken birdhouse in her hand.

"It was weird! I don't even know how it broke!" Pepper shook her head in dismay.

"I kinda wish Russell was here to help us..." Penny chuckled. Pepper nodded in agreement.

"Yeah...but he's got his own project to deal with, remember?" Pepper reminded her.

"Oh yeah. I can't believe he and Sunil were actually able to make something out of that block of wood!"

"Hey. That's because they're dorks. They can do anything."

"I guess so..."

"Anyways we gotta focus!" Pepper looks back at the pieces now scattered around the table, each being a different size and shape.

"Right right! Now, we just need to remember how it looked like..." Penny mumbled to herself, inspecting every piece one by one.

"Why not just look up a picture of it on the Internet?" Pepper suggested.

"But then the birdhouse wouldn't be unique! That's kinda the whole point of this project..." Penny Ling reminded her. Pepper groaned in frustration.


Just then, the front door swung open, making the girls turn their heads. The door revealed none other than Zoe Trent, carrying a box in hand.

"Ladies, help has arrived!" She grinned.

"It's about time you showed up..." Pepper shook her head and smirked. Zoe had a tendency to be "fashionably late." Mostly because she always had to fix herself up incase she encountered some cute guy around town.

"Why thank you..." Zoe muttered as she walked in and set the box down on the kitchen table.

"Oh! What's in the box, Zoe?" Penny Ling asked, looking inside the box.

"There's a couple of glitter bottles, paint, glue, and so many other things! Minka let me borrow them." She explained, beginning to set out the art supplies.

"Too bad Minka isn't in our group. She could have helped fancy up this thing." Pepper chuckled.

"Oh I'm sure we can do as good of a job ourselves! We can't always rely on her, darling." Zoe sighed. It was true that out of all 7 of them, Minka was the most prolific, followed by Zoe.

"That's right. We have to focus!" Penny Ling smiled.

"Yeah! So let's start with this..." Pepper held up the chipped piece of roof.

"Ugh, it broke again?" Zoe rolled her eyes.

"Again?..." Pepper raised a brow.

"Yeah. Apparently glue sticks don't stick properly..." Zoe crossed her arms and huffed.

"Oh. We were about to try the glue from the bottle." Pepper chuckled.

"Ew...I despise that kind of glue..."

"Well it's better than that..." Pepper chuckled again, pointing to the glue stick inside of the box.

"Honestly, I think this glue will work better. Sorry Zoe." Penny giggled. Zoe chuckled.

"Oh I'm not offended. But if it'll hold the piece up, let's use it."


"Well THAT was a fail..."

The girls had attempted to use the bottled glue to hold up the piece of wood.

Apparently, it doesn't work with wood...

"I knew it wouldn't work." Zoe looked at her hands in disgust, for they were covered in glue from the bottle.

"Tape?" Penny suggested.

"It wouldn't look good, darling. It'll just look like we put tape on it to cover the flaw."

"But that's why we want to use the tape..." Pepper chuckled.

"What else can we use? We're running out of ideas..." Penny Ling sat on the couch and sighed. Just then, a phone began to ring, making the girls perk up. They looked at each other, wondering who's it was. Penny Ling took hers out from her pocket and realized it was her own.

"Oh! It's Russell! Hold on..." She answered the phone and began to speak through it. Zoe and Pepper looked at each other in wonder.

"Hey Penny Ling! Sunil and I were wondering if Minka was with you guys? We're kind of in the need of some supplies and we wanted to ask her for some..." Russell's voice said through the receiver.

"No she's not here...but her stuff is here! I'm sure she wouldn't mind letting you borrow some of it!" Penny Ling said.

"Oh okay! All we need are glue sticks!"

"....glue sticks?..."

"Yeah! They work really well."

"Are you sure about that, Russell?" Penny Ling asked.

"Wait...which glue sticks are you referring to?..." He asked.

"You know...the ones in a stick? Glue sticks? I mean it's right in the name..." Penny Ling chuckled.

"Oh! No no no! I wasn't referring to those! Those don't work at all!" Russell laughed. Penny raised a brow at his sudden laughter.

"Then...which ones?"

"The ones for the glue gun of course."

"Glue gun?..."


"That's it!" Penny Ling looked back at the girls with a huge grin on her face. The girls looked back at her, grinning.

"What's it?" Russell asked.

"I'll explain later. Just come by with the glue gun and we'll give you the sticks!"

"Oh. Well okay then. Thanks!" With that, they both ended the call.

"Oh! Thank goodness we found our solution!" Zoe sighed, satisfied.

"Yeah! But there's just one thing I gotta say..." Pepper chuckled but then put on a serious face.

"I've never heard of a glue gun..."


LPS High School AU Where stories live. Discover now