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"So...NOW you want my help?"

Russell frowned. He and Sunil were sitting at their usual lunch table. It was their 15 minute break in between classes, and the two had a history class afterwards.

"Yes! And it's urgent!" Sunil sighed.

"Seriously Sunil? First you ignore me, then you try to anger me, and now you crawl back here seeking my guidance? Kinda shallow, really." Russell couldn't help but smirk.

"Actually, I didn't even come here for you." Sunil clarified, "I actually came for Cyril McFlip."

"Wait...really?" Russell paused, now digging through his backpack. "Darn...I didn't even bring my hat today! How am I supposed to be Cyril McFlip without my trusty hat?" He groaned.

"A hat doesn't define you, Russell." Sunil rolled his eyes. "Look, I don't know how much time I have left till my prediction possibly comes true, and I need to know who Vinnie is trying to ask to formal!"

"Geez, Sunil. Why does that bother you so much?" Russell smirked again, "Vinnie can do whatever he wants! It's not like someone is going to abruptly interrupt him from asking the person he likes to the formal..." He eyed him, regarding the events from earlier.

"I know that. And I also know what I did, and I'm sorry." Sunil eyed him back. "I predict you'll have another shot later on, but please, can we just figure this out fast?"

"Alright alright... let's see..." Russell clasped his hands together and furrowed his brows. "From what you have already told me, he asked Minka what shade of blue was best, correct?"

"Yes! But he wouldn't tell her why." Sunil added.

"Okay. So why blue in particular is the question. When Digby showed his own poster to Zoe, it was in a light shade of yellow... I remember, because he asked me to check for any grammatical errors on it." He pondered for a moment, "maybe he showed Minka because well...she's an artist. She's very creative at these sorts of things. Maybe he needed input?"

"That would explain a lot." Sunil nodded, "but do you think she knows who he might plan on asking?"

"Yeah, but wouldn't she have told you by now?" Russell raised a brow. "You DID mention Vinnie's possible plan, right?"

"Oh....not really..." Sunil sheepishly grinned, remembering something else,
"But Pepper was also in my prediction, but she's not even here today."

"I see.." Russell nodded, "This gives us a bit more time to figure things out." His gaze lingered from Sunil to a couple more students who were also in the cafeteria. His gaze finally landed on a small crowd of students, with one standing out in particular. In the center sat Shahrukh, a student filing his nails for him.


"Wait... a shade of blue..." Russell looked away from the superstar, "Sunil, was Shahrukh one of your possible guesses?"

Just the sound of his name really irked the blue haired boy. He felt his fists tighten, a frown planted on his face. Russell quickly noticed the uneasiness surrounding his friend, scooting back a bit.

"I'll take that as a yes..." He cleared his throat, "but why him?" Russell curiously asked, "I'd assume Shahrukh would rather be attending some kind of fancier party over the formal..."

"Trust me. He'd do anything just to get on my bad side..," Sunil huffed.

"Really? It looks like he can't do anything without anyone else doing it for him..." Russell rolled his eyes, checking his phone, "Anyways, I'm sure Vinnie isn't planning on asking Shahrukh. He probably already has a line of people waiting to ask him. I mean come on. It's Shahrukh. So many people here are obsessed with that guy."

"Including Vinnie." Sunil reminded, resting his head on his arm. "Russell...why am I so upset over this? I know Vinnie well enough, but for someone reason, I feel lost..."

"Over a formal? Please..." Russell sighed. Sometimes, Sunil could be a little dramatic, but this seemed to affect him a lot, and as his friend, he knew he had to help him out.

"Listen, maybe by now, Minka has seen Vinnie and hopefully, she got something out of him? I could go ask her later on, and we'll see from there?" Russell reassured, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"I guess.." Sunil looked up, "thanks..."

"Hey, if things don't go your way, we could all just go to formal together. You, me, and the others! Wouldn't that be fun?"

Of course it does, Sunil thought to himself. He couldn't help but smile.

"Just because I'm saying this doesn't mean I'm giving up. Cyril McFlip or not, We're still figuring this out!" Russell grinned, "Shahrukh is just one of many possible candidates, but there's no guarantee that it's going to be him."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out." Sunil nodded, sitting up. "Hmm....maybe Zoe or Penny Ling have an idea who it could be?" He asked, regarding his other friends.

"That's a possibility!" Russell grinned, "Perhaps we can ask them. Maybe then, our choices can be narrowed down to a certain few individuals."

"Sounds like a plan!" Sunil stood up, gathering his things. "I'll go and see if I can find them!"

"Right now? But the break is almost over?" Russell reminded.

"I'm aware, but I'll see if I can make it quick." Sunil reassured, "I'll see you in class."

With that, Sunil quickly rushed out of the cafeteria, leaving Russell alone at the table. He couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

Knowing Vinnie, Russell had a strong feeling that the green haired boy was planning to ask Sunil to the formal. However, he hadn't wanted to ruin the possible surprise. Vinnie could never keep anything from Sunil, but perhaps this was something that he could actually keep secret.

Russell smiled. If his own prediction was correct, Vinnie would continue to get input from Minka until the poster was complete. Maybe he'll even let her in on it if she continued to insist. But still... he could still be wrong...

The only thing to do now was go and question two certain individuals about it, specifically a green haired boy.

LPS High School AU Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon