Weekend Plans

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It was a Friday afternoon at Downtown City High! It was currently lunch, the time of the day that students enjoy the most. However, this was no ordinary lunch hour...
Russell was currently outside of the building, once again writing in his journal. He was sitting down in a far corner of the building, out of sight. Being alone has its perks. For one thing, people wouldn't bother him or question about the journal he keeps!

"It looks we're nearing the end of another week! This has truly been one of the busiest weeks in the entire school year. All that studying and midterms deprived me from sleeping at some point...I need a break." He wrote, reminiscing these past nights of constant studying. He truly hoped he aces all of these tests. ESPECIALLY the Spanish exam....

Finally, he finished his entry and closed the journal. He packed it back in his bag and stood up. However, just as he was about to leave, his eyes shifted to a nearby tree. He slowly made his way over to a nearby bush and hid there. He carefully looked through the bush. He noticed Minka, one of his best friends, was sitting there having her lunch. It seemed like she was working on another painting.

He let out a long sigh. He had been crushing on Minka for the longest time now. Her quirky and energetic personality is what made her amazing, not to mention her kindness and talent for abstract art! However, he hasn't brought himself to tell her how he truly felt about her. Compared to her, he always thought that he, of all people, would never suffice her needs. Worst case scenario, he'd be rejected, resulting in their friendship to plummet! That was something he certainly did NOT want to ruin! Minka was one of the first friends he made when he first moved in to Downtown City. He didn't want that friendship to break apart because of this!

"She is literally just sitting there!" He thought. "Without a care in the world! Well...maybe she isn't only just sitting there... She is just having lunch while working on a new paining. I think she's having a peanut butter and jelly sandwich... Surprisingly I've been craving those for quite a while now! Just the thought of PB&J makes me hungry-..."

"Russell! Stop thinking about food and focus!"

"Right right...I apologize for having a DIETITIAN for a conscience!"

His focus shifted back to the girl.

"She seems fine! Totally fine! I shouldn't be spying on her like this..."

"So why don't you go on and talk to her?"

"H-Huh?" His eyes widened as he turned around. As soon as he saw who it was, he let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Penny Ling you scared me!"

"Oh! Sorry about that..." She slightly chuckled. She herself looked over at their pink haired friend. "She looks like she can use a friend to talk to..." Penny motioned Russell to go and talk to her.

Russell however, stood up and started to leave. "You're riiight! YOU should go and talk to her while I-"

"Oh no you don't!" She grabbed a hold of his arm and quickly sat him back near the bush. "You're going over there!"

"B-But" His cheeks started burning up, stuttering in the process. "W-What am I supposed to say?! Or even do at the matter? What if I mess this up? Or even worse? HUMILIATE myself! Or..or..."

"Calm down, Russell! There's nothing to be afraid of!" Penny Ling assured him. She thought for a moment and came up with an idea.

"Are you doing anything this weekend?"

"Besides finally getting some sleep? No not really...why?"

"Perfect! You can go and ask her if she is able to spend some time with you during the weekend!"

LPS High School AU Where stories live. Discover now