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It was lunch break as the students piled their way into the cafeteria. Today, they were serving something "odd," as some students would say. They really had no idea as to what it was.

The "lasagna," as the menu stated, looks too much like a pile of orange sponges...

Meanwhile, Zoe, Pepper, Penny Ling, Sunil and Vinnie were already at their usual spot, talking about the latest gossip going around the school.

"So you really did get detention for putting that whoopee cushion on the teacher's chair huh?" Vinnie asked Pepper, who was looking at the strange food. She immediately perked up, grinning.

"Oh yeah! It was hilarious! You should have seen his face when he found it! PRICELESS!" Pepper let out a snort and laughed, obviously still finding it funny.

"Yeah well, try not to do it so constantly..." Penny Ling reminded her. Pepper raised a brow.

"And why is that?"

"Uh because you can get suspended at some point?" Sunil muttered.

"Oh relax! I'd never go THAT far!" Pepper reassured them, grinning.

"We'll see about that..." Zoe chuckled.

"You know, Russell should be the one telling you all this!" Vinnie smirked.

He'd be furious if he found out one of us got suspended!" Pepper grinned. Then, they all looked around, realizing he wasn't here.

"Where is he anyway?" Penny asked.

"Probably off doing some nerd stuff." Pepper joked.

"You know...he's been awfully quiet all morning..." Penny Ling reminded them.

"Really? I didn't even see him much today!" Vinnie added.

"I wonder why..." Sunil thought for a moment. It wasn't normal for their orange haired friend to be this quiet! Usually he would have already been here, discussing his many classes & tests. But today? It seemed like he was nowhere in sight!
Well...until now...

"Hey guys..."

All heads turned to face their nerdy companion, who only sat down next to Sunil. However, he remained silent afterwards. The others looked at each other, concerned.

"Sup Rusty!" Vinnie grinned, attempting to make conversation.

"So uh...nice day we're having huh?" Pepper awkwardly chuckled.

"It's fantastic..." Russell responded in a surprisingly bittersweet tone of voice. The others looked at each other again.

"Oh! How about that project you've been working on? Have you finished it?" Penny Ling asked.

"I turned it in yesterday." He picked up a fork as he disgustedly looked at what was supposed to be lasagna.

Zoe let out a sigh and turned to her friend, knowing where this was going.

"Is everything alright darling?" She asked. He looked up at her.

"Me? Oh sure! Everything's just fine!" He put on a fake grin.

"Are you sure?" Pepper raised a brow.

"Yes! Why wouldn't I be?" He asked.

"Uh...because you're basically stabbing your food..." Vinnie let out a tiny laugh. Russell was confused for a second until he looked down at the food. It was all mush now.

LPS High School AU Where stories live. Discover now