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It was a Friday evening at Downtown City High for it was that time of the school year for when the annual school dance was held! Everybody was enjoying themselves. Some were chatting, others were dancing, even a couple of teachers decided to show off their moves. Yup, prom was the best alright...

However, there was a certain orange haired student who was currently in a state of agitation.
Russell Ferguson was in the boy's restroom, nervously adjusting his orange bow tie, that is matching with a black suit he was wearing, along with a pair of slacks.
Sunil and Vinnie were right behind him, silently laughing at the sight of their friend.

"Even with a suit, you still manage to look like a dork!" Vinnie exclaimed, smirking.

"For the hundredth time," Russell turned to look at them, "I am NOT a dork!" He then resumed in adjusting the bow tie.

"Surely Russell, there is no need for you to be worried! It is only for tonight!" Sunil said, implying the suit and tie.

Russell face palmed himself. "It's not the outfit I'm worried about, it's the dance itself!" He worriedly exclaimed, looking at himself in the mirror once more.

"Aww come on, man! You're gonna have a blast!" Vinnie pumped his fist.

"Well you two will at least have each other for company..." Russell looked at the two as Sunil and Vinnie looked at eachother and smiled.

"Oh Russell! You could always stick by us the whole night!"

"And be the third wheel? No thanks." He teased. Sunil's cheeks slightly turned red. He had (managed to without any shrieking or breakdowns) asked Vinnie to the dance, since he didn't want to go alone (which was his "excuse"). Vinnie of course happily accepted the offer, meaning they would spend a little more time together. The only thing was, Sunil may have asked him a DAY before the dance, making them have to drag Russell along to the mall to find some proper attire. Now that wasn't a relaxing trip.

Vinnie grinned as he patted his orange haired friend in the shoulder. "I think we ALL know what this is about." He smirked.

Russell let out a dejected sigh. "Was it that obvious?"

Sunil nodded in response, silently chuckling.

"Surely our dear friend Minka would not at all mind your company, Russell!"

"And make a fool of myself in front of her?! N-No way! I can't be alone with her!" He said as his cheeks began to turn crimson red.

"And what's even worse is that I haven't even SEEN her yet! I bet she looks really amazing, pretty and gorgeous while I'm wearing something that was bought last minute!" He stressed that last part, sending Vinnie a glare in which Vinnie gave him a thumbs up.

"What can I say? Armani was our last resort." Vinnie grinned as Sunil mentally facepalmed himself.

Russell let out another sigh.
"What can be worse than this?!"

"W-Well actually..." Sunil began to say, catching Russell's attention. "I uh...may have bumped into Minka on the way here and well...I may have told her you were coming and...it's a possibility that she is looking for you in this very moment?"

"Sh-She's WHAT?!?!" Russell panicked.

"Also er...I may have also told her that you uh...were saving her a dance?" Sunil scooted all the way to a corner.

"SUNIL!!!" Russell yelled out, panicking even more. He was about to go at him until Vinnie interrupted him.

"Well then! I suggest that you get out there!" He said as he began pushing Russell out the restroom door. Russell however, wouldn't budge.

LPS High School AU Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora