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Of ALL the holidays that could have existed...

There just HAD to be one, dedicated to love...

And that certain holiday just oh so happened to be today!

That's right, it's that time of the year...

It's Valentine's Day!

For most people, this day was to give people the chance to express their feelings for their loved ones, whether it was to their family, friends, or even that special someone...

However, it's also a holiday where money goes down the drain, getting spent on things such as chocolates, cards, and teddy bears.

Valentine's Day...was the holiday where Sugar Sprinkles could finally put her talent to good use!

All morning, the girl had been sitting on a bench right outside the school. She had been observing the many gifts and balloons being brought & given from student to student. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood. Couples were being all lovey dovey while others were just enjoying the candy at such an early time of day. The sugar will probably get to them sometime next period.

Sugar Sprinkles couldn't help but stare in awe at the sight before her. If there was one thing she loved besides sprinkles and her ukulele, Sugar Sprinkles loved love! Love in general was a feeling she felt that needed to be spread like a virus. It's something she felt that everyone needed in their lives. Who lives their lives without love? That's just sad...

Sugar Sprinkles waved at a couple passing by and smiled. She hoped this day would never end.

Suddenly, she felt a presence stand before her. Sugar Sprinkles turned to face the newcomer and smiled as soon as she saw who it was.

"Morning, fellas!"

"Good morning, Sugar Sprinkles!" Penny Ling chirped as she took a seat next to her friend. Behind her were Russell and Vinnie, who sat across from the girls.

"Why are you here so early?" Penny Ling asked.

" reason... I mean besides the fact that today is Valentine's Day, then I have no idea..." She calmly responded, grinning at the girl. However, a loud shriek was heard nearby. Penny and Sugar Sprinkles turned to the source:

it was Vinnie.

"That's TODAY?!" He exclaimed, putting his hands on his head. An irritated Russell had covered his ears and rolled his eyes.

"Give me a warning next time!!" He winced as his ears kept ringing from Vinnie's sudden shriek.

"Well yeah, don't tell me you forgot?" Sugar Sprinkles raised a brow. Penny Ling followed her gesture. Vinnie then began to rummage through his backpack for a moment, but then suddenly stopped, letting out a sigh of relief.

"No wait, nevermind...I didn't forget!" He exclaimed as he pulled out a couple of heart shaped candies from inside the bag.

"It's not much, but hey, it's the thought that counts, amiright?" He grinned as he handed a candy to each of his friends.

"Aww thanks, Vinnie!" Penny giggled in delight. She then proceeded in unwrapping the treat and began to eat it.

"I don't see what the big deal is..." Russell said as he twirled the lollipop around.
"I mean, it's just a waste of time...and money..."

"Aww come on, Rusty. It's not just about the candy." Sugar Sprinkles commented,
"It's about spreading love to the ones you care about!"

"Yeah, well I could easily do that without having to spend a cent!" He huffed at the pink haired girl, crossing his arms in agitation.

"....prove it."

Russell perked up at the sudden two words said.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." Sugar Sprinkles smirked at the orange haired fellow,
"prove that you can spread love without spending a cent!"

Vinnie and Penny Ling stared at each other in awe, surprised at how bold Sugar Sprinkles sounded. The girl was always calm, but today? She dared to challenge Russell of all people.

Russell raised a brow, thinking about it for a moment. How was he going to do THAT?! And to whom even?

But he certainly didn't want to be proven wrong.

"Okay. So if I DO manage to do it, you have to admit that Valentine's Day is a cheesy & purposeless holiday!" Russell began to say.

" you want to make this a bet now?" Sugar Sprinkles smirked.
"Fun...okay. I'll go with that. I'll give you till 8 p.m."

"But what if he doesn't do it on time?" Vinnie couldn't help but ask, becoming a bit more interested in the challenge.

"Weeelll....I haven't thought of that yet...but I'll think of something!" She smiled. Then, she extended out a hand, a grin forming on her face.

"So do we have a deal?.."

Russell hesitated for a moment. He wasn't sure what the girl had in mind for if he loses. Knowing the ukekele playing teenager, she was full of surprises. But if he backed off now, he'd just seem like a chicken.


The two shook hands, sealing the deal.


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