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"So, I heard you needed me for something?" Russell raised a brow as he sat down in a chair, facing his current speaker. However, the black chair was currently faced away from him, the room dimly lit. The only source of light cake from the desk that sat between them.

"Indeed." A feminine voice merely replied. "My sources tell me that you're the best person to go to, so I took the chance."

"Okay..." Russell glanced around the small room, no one else in sight, "So, what can I do for you?"

Nothing was said for a moment, the awkward silence making Russell glance around again nervously. Just what was he needed for? And why did they have to meet in this small, eerie office?

In an instant, the black chair slowly turned around, revealing a girl. She was an upperclassmen, with light blue eyes and a grin on her face. She was known as Scout Kerry: the editor in chief of the school's newspaper, and very dedicated to her job. No one really knows how to describe her methods in finding the latest gossip and news, except that she's very sneaky...

"You see, my usual reporters, the ones who go out and report stories for me, they're both going to be out of town on a retreat this upcoming week, so I'm short two people on my staff." She began, "and as you know, the Big Feathered Parade is also this weekend..."

Russell sighed, "Scout, we've talked about this before. As much as writing for the newspaper sounds fun, I really can't. I already have other commitments in my life, and this would just add in to my already busy schedule."

This has been an ongoing thing for the two. Russell was known for being a very passionate writer, as said by his friends (who definitely have read his diary), and excellent writers is something Scout Kerry looked for in a journalist. There have been many instances where she would corner him and attempt to convince him to join the staff. Despite her sneaky and mischievous attitude, he always declined her offer. He liked writing, but he didn't think being part of the school newspaper was something he wanted to do.

However, the smirk that followed his response did not make him feel any better.

"Oh Russell, I knew you'd say that." She chuckled as she grabbed a piece of paper from the desk, looking at it for a moment. "It really is a shame though. You're one of the best writers this school has. And that's saying a lot." She peered over the edge of her desk, where a paper shredder sat. Smiling, she looked back at him as she slowly inserted the paper inside the shredder, the only sound in the room being the sound of paper shredding into thousands of pieces.

Russell couldn't help but shudder. No one really knew what this girl was thinking. She was pretty good at hiding things. Like a spy even...But right now, the look she was giving him was definitely not a good sign. Plus, he was pretty sure she was trying to manipulate him with flattery so he could easily give in. He wasn't going down so easily.

"I appreciate the compliment, but my answer still stands." Russell said, standing up, "Look, if there's nothing else, I need to get going. I promised Sunil I'd help him review for the English exam later."

As he was about to walk out of the office, Scout was quick to clear her throat, looking down at folder she had quickly pulled out from her file cabinet. She was quick to open it, beginning to read off of the first sheet on top.

"To my dearest friend, Now where do I begin?"

Russell froze, his hand barely reaching the doorknob.

"Perhaps, you may never get the chance to read this, but I had to let it out somehow. If I were to ever tell you, I don't think I'd be able to handle the rejection. But here goes nothing." She continued, "From the bottom of my heart, I admit that I do have feelings for you. You're one of the most talented, creative, and amazing individuals I've ever met."

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