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"Oh, thank the stars someone finally opened up!" Tangier dramatically waltzed out of the room he was in. It turned out to be a storage closet after all, as Zoe and Russell noticed all of the supplies inside it. "I was worried I was never going to be found!" He dramatically posed.

"Oh great. The one person I really didn't want to see tonight." Russell grumbled, crossing his arms annoyed.

Zoe looked between the two boys. "What are you even doing here?! I thought we told you not to mess with us!" She huffed, pointing a finger on Tangier's chest. He did not like that one bit.

"Watch it! This shirt is brand new!" Tangier growled.

"Yeah, I'm sure the mops and brooms inside the closet really appreciated that." Russell chuckled. Tangier could only glare at his response.

"Watch what you're saying, Ferguson." The model said, "One more word out of you and I'll -"

"Enough!" Zoe cut in, "So you're admitting that you were planning something?"

"What? I would never!" Tangier scoffed, rolling his eyes at the comment, "Don't be absurd! Why would I ever do such a thing?"

"For many reasons.." Russell waved off as he shone the flashlight around the hall once more, not paying any mind to Tangier. However, this only ticked off the model much more.

"Excuse you, but it's rude to look away while we're having a conversation!"

"Well I'm not interested in conversing with you." Russel rolled his eyes, continuing to inspect the room.

"Figures..." Tangier's face began to form a smirk, "Probably because his little girlfriend is running around the place blindly!"

Russell perked up, quickly turning around to face Tangier once more,cheeks reddening at the mention of a certain girl. "First of all, Minka's not my girlfriend!" He huffed, "Second, how do you even know she's here?"

"Please. The girl can paint, but she really can't hide." Tangier shook his head. "Her ridiculous pink hair makes her so much more noticeable."

Distracted, Zoe took the flashlight back from Russell, scooting away from the two and began looking around a bit more. However, in a split second, a door caught her attention, a large staircase sign right in front of it.

"Russell, look! I found the stairs! Hah! I really am a genius." Zoe chuckled, "Now we can go and find Minka and then-"

"Her hair isn't ridiculous!" Russell interrupted, slightly more annoyed, "You're probably just jealous at how good she looks in pink!" The two were now glaring at each other.

"Please! I could pull it off way better!" Tangier scoffed. "Way better than you at least!"

"Ugh. We're not getting anywhere with this.." Zoe frowned, stomping back over to the boys. She turned to Tangier, "Either you help us look for her, or get lost! The last thing I need right now is a bunch of boys bickering!"

"Ooh, so you don't even know where she is?" Tangier raised a brow, a smug grin planted on his face, "That's hilarious! Really, it isn't all that of a surprise. Knowing how spontaneous she is, I really saw this coming."

"Anything else?" Zoe grumbled.

"Do we have to bring him along?" Russell asked Zoe.

"Well it's up to him," She said, "But it would make looking for Minka and the exit so much quicker..." However, Tangier's eyes widened at the suggestion.

"Oh no. There's no way I'm walking around here with him around me!" Tangier suddenly gasped, Zoe and Russell both rolling their eyes.

"The feelings is mutual." Russell crossed his arms, "Why don't we just split up? You two can go upstairs while I go and check downstairs."

LPS High School AU Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora