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Soon, lunch came around the corner, as Vinnie Terrio strolled into the cafeteria. He was in an awfully good mood today, for he had been working on something special. Since last night, he had begun working on a poster for the winter formal, but he had been struggling with a few things, like the colors and the decoration. It was just a poster, but he wanted it to look special. Besides, he wasn't planning on keeping it, so he wanted the receiver to be pleased with it.

Vinnie hadn't wanted to tell Minka what he was working on, but at this point, he might have to. Who has better artistic input than Minka Mark?

His trail of thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps closing in on him. It was her.

"So, you gotta tell me what you're working on!" She smiled, "because I've been dying to know!"

Vinnie grinned as both grabbed their lunches. "Okay okay! But you can't tell anyone about it! Not Russell, not Zoe, and definitely not Sunil.." He emphasized on Sunil.

"But i thought he..." Minka began to say, before covering her mouth, Vinnie raised a brow.

"He what?"

"Uh...nevermind! I was thinking of someone else!" She grinned as both set their trays down on the table.

" not a word to anyone! The only other person who knows right now is Penny Ling." He explained.

"Aww but why not?" Minka asked, raising a brow. She recalled how Sunil wanted more info on what Vinnie was sharing with her, and her thoughts went back to the poster. Vinnie gave her a pleading look, his cheeks beginning to warm up. With formal coming up, the only possible explanation would be...

"Ooohhhhh!!! Oh okay yeah!" She quickly nodded, a grin forming on her face, "It's because you're planning on asking-.."

"MINKA, SHH!!!" VINNIE quickly covered her mouth with his hand, panicking. Several students turned at the sudden commotion, but Vinnie merely grinned and gave them a thumbs up. Minka blinked, a bit confused. Soon, they all turned back, Vinnie letting out a sigh.

"Minka, this is exactly why I didn't want to tell you.. No offense, but sometimes you can't keep a secret for too long."

Minka merely shrugged, his hand still covering her mouth.

"Look, I know making art isn't exactly my thing, which is why I'm asking for your input. I'm almost finished with the poster, and I was wondering if you could have a look at it?"

Minka mumbled something incoherent, which made Vinnie raise a brow. He then realized his hand was still covering her mouth.

"Oh, sorry.." he sheepishly grinned, "what did you say?"

"I said sure! Geez Vinnie, and to think I about to bite your hand..." Minka joked.

Vinnie chuckled, "okay! I guess I can show you after lunch."

Soon, the two sat down at their usual table. They began chatting about other things, until a new tray was placed on the table. It was Penny Ling.

"Hey, you two!" She greeted, sitting next to Minka. "Vinnie, I got the glitter you requested. It's in my bag. I wasn't sure what colors you needed, but I brought as many as I could!"

"Oh wow, thanks." He smiled as she reached into her bag, pulling out several tubes of glitter glue. She laid them across the tabletop.

"Ooh! Those colors definitely compliment the blue you picked out!" Minka grinned. "Well, maybe not this one..." She plucked out a gray glitter bottle from the pile. "You won't be able to see the writing with this one."

LPS High School AU Where stories live. Discover now