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A couple of minutes passed by, as Pepper and Minka walked back over to the hallways, about to take things out from their own lockers. They were right next to each other, which was very convenient. As Pepper began unlocking her locker, Minka couldn't help but glance back at her. Ever since their encounter with Captain Cuddles just a few minutes ago, Pepper wasn't acting as chatty and optimistic as usual. Odd.

"So...Captain Cuddles, Huh?" Minka couldn't help but smirk as she opened her own locker.

Pepper let out a sigh. "Minka, that's like the fifth time in a row you ask that! What about him?" Pepper rolled her eyes as she opened her locker.

"Nothing! I just think he's...special!" Minka grinned, "It's not everyday we get to talk about boys with each other!"

"That's because I like to bring up one specific nerd just to mess with ya..." Pepper muttered, letting out a chuckle.

"Figures... Funny how we weren't able to find him earlier. I wonder what's up?" Minka shrugged as she closed her locker. However, her focus went back to Pepper.

"But this is different! I clearly noticed the way you kept avoiding eye contact with him for a while!" She pointed at her friend. "And that's not something you usually do with guys, or anyone else for the matter!"

"So what? There's a first time for everything!" Pepper huffed, shutting her locker. "Besides, I just didn't want to be rude! You're just making a big deal out of this." Pepper rolled her eyes as she closed her locker, beginning walking away. Minka blinked for a moment, before quickly closing her locker and followed right behind her.

However, a plan began formulating in her head. In order to see if Pepper really was interested in this guy, she'd have to push the topic a bit further...

"A big deal? A big DEAL? Ha! You got THAT right!" Minka laughed. "This is a big deal alright! The fact that you of all people started crushing on this cute, foreign exchange student is something we never saw coming!"

"C-Crushing?! CUTE?!" Pepper quickly turned around, feeling her cheeks redden. "You think he's cute?!"

Ooh it's working! Minka grinned mischievously to herself, then sighing as she put her hands on her hips.
"Pepper. He's a guy. I think he's cute, so what?" Minka shrugged.

"Guys, I just had this strange feeling."

Russell put a hand on his chest, looking back at his friends. They had walked up to the art classroom, about to go in.

"What do you mean, darling?" Zoe raised a brow.

Russell paused for a moment, then looked back at his friends. He looked fine.

"I don't second it was there, and the next it was gone. As if someone said something I wouldn't want to hear..."

"But you didn't hear it?" Vinnie raised a brow.

"And no one said anything just now.." Sunil added.

"Eh. It was probably nothing." Russell then shrugged, "let's just go in and see if she's there."


"Minka, why would you say he's cute?" Pepper couldn't help but frown. For some reason, hearing her say that made her feel a little off. Jealous almost.

"I'm not just going to call him ugly, silly!" Minka giggled, "Don't worry! I'm not trying to steal him from you!"

Pepper froze. "Pshh W-What? What do I care?" Pepper huffed, crossing her arms. "I don't care about who likes him or not!"

LPS High School AU Where stories live. Discover now