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It was now the next morning at school. There was about half an hour before classes started, as Minka Mark skipped over to her locker, about to take out a few art supplies. None of her other friends were around yet, so now was the perfect opportunity to work on her next painting.

Ideas ideas....she kept chanting to herself as she opened her locker. Her trail of thought was suddenly interrupted by a new voice.

"Morning, Minka!" Russell walked up to her, a smile on his face.

"Hey! What's up?" Minka grinned as she looked back at him.

"Oh, nothing much really." He shrugged. However, he then raised a brow. "However, you're never here so early. Anything going on?"

"Nothing really. I just wanted to see if I could come up with ideas for my next painting!" Minka explained as she grabbed a few art supplies and put them inside her backpack. "Actually, if you're not busy, do you think you could help me with something?" She asked. "It would really mean a lot."

Russell's face perked up at the question, immediately nodding in response. "Of course! Anything you need, I'm your guy!...I mean not YOUR guy but a guy! Yeah! Just a guy...willing to help his pal! YOU, I mean...yeah...." He stammered as Minka merely giggled at the response.

"Um...I'll take that as a yes! Thanks, Rusty!" She grinned as she closed her locker. Russell quickly sighed while she was turned away, feeling his face heat up in embarrassment.

"Actually, I also wanted to ask you something..." He started to say.

"Sure, what is it?" She looked back at him.

"Well, you know how fall formal is coming up soon, right?" He started to say.

"Yeah! Penny and I are working on the decorations this year!" Minka grinned. "Ooh, you're going to love them! They're so shiny!...Oh...sorry! You were saying?" She sheepishly smiled.

Russell couldn't help but chuckle, "I-I'm sure they'll be lovely...But anyways, if you're not busy that day, I was wondering..."

"Wondering what?..." She felt her own cheeks warm up.

"W-Well...I was wondering if you'd-..."

"Yes??" She inched a little closer. "If I would what?"

As Russell was about to speak again, a voice shrieked from inside the building.

"MINKA!!!" The voice exclaimed from across the hallway. Both flinched at how loud and high pitched it sounded. They both turned to see Sunil, bag in hand, running right at them. He looked tired.

"Oh boy..." Russell cringed as Sunil quickly approached them.

In a second, his feet quickly halted, slamming a hand on her locker door and stood in between the two, out of breath. Minka looked up at him, noticing the dark circles under his eyes.

"We...need...to talk..." he said in between breaths, a bit too quietly.

However, she merely blinked, putting on a smile.

"Hey, Sunil! What's up?" She greeted.

"Hold on..." Sunil wheezed, setting his bag down, taking deep breaths. Minka stared at him in surprise as Russell gave him a deadpan expression.

"Um hello? I'm here too, you know..." he mumbled.

Sunil ignored his comment as he finally stood back up.

"Ahem...like I was saying...we need to talk." He told her.

"Okay, sure! What do you want to-"

LPS High School AU Where stories live. Discover now