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"You know...I appreciate the help. I just hope I don't eventually get lost around here...."

"Oh Cheep Cheep relax! Your favorite cousin is here to help!"

It was an early Monday morning as Minka was showing her cousin, Cheep Cheep, around the campus, since it was his first day at the school. When he told Minka he was going to transfer in, she was instantly filled with glee and excitement. The two have known each other for as long as they can remember, and now that they will be going to the same school, they'll have more time to hangout with each other.

"Ooh you're going to love it here! Everyone's really nice! Well except for people like Tangier, the Biskit twins and a couple of others...but besides them, everyone else is really friendly!" Minka chirped up as they walked around the hallway.

"That's great! I think..." Cheep Cheep shrugged, grinning.

"I'm just really REALLY happy you're here now! This is gonna be a great year!" She giggled as they made their way outside.

"I am too! And I'll be able to make sure my little cousin is safe." He patted her head, earning a tiny frown.

"Who said I was the little one?" She looked up at him and sticked out her tongue.

"In case you've forgotten, I'm a few inches taller than you." He chuckled.

"But we're both the same age!" She remarked.

"But month wise, I'm way older." He smirked.

"Let's not start THAT again..." She giggled.

"Well anyways...where are we now?" Cheep Cheep asked as he looked around.

"Oh! We're just outside! Students usually eat out here or in the cafeteria! I'm usually inside with my friends!" She smiled.

"I'm eager to meet your friends! I know you've told me about them before are they like?" He questioned curiously.

"Oh them? They're the best! You'll like them a lot! There's Zoe! The one who loves to sing a lot! Then my friend Pepper. She's really funny! Penny Ling is the shy one but she's a really great dancer! So is my friend Vinnie! But he's kinda clumsy...oh! And then his best friend Sunil does magic tricks! He's really tall...oh! And then there's Russell! He's really smart!" She blabbered on and on about the many friends she apparently had until Cheep Cheep interrupted.

"Okay okay! I see you have many friends here..." He chuckled.

"Yeah! Like I said, everyone's really friendly!" She grinned. Suddenly, a familiar face caught her gaze and her smile widened even more.

"Russell!" She exclaimed as she waved over to her orange haired friend. He walked up to them and smiled.

"Oh! Hey Minka-OOF!" Russell was quickly caught in a tight hug. The pink haired girl had waited for him to come over to give him a hug. Cheep Cheep could only stare.

"Can't...breathe..." He muttered.

"Oh! Sorry!" She quickly let go and he let out a gasp for breath.

"What a way to start the morning..." Russell chuckled.

"Heh...oh! I want you to meet someone!" She suddenly exclaimed as she brought Cheep Cheep over to her side.

"This is Cheep Cheep! He and I go WAY back! He's starting his first day here today!" Minka grinned as the boy sheepishly smiled

"Uh...what she said..." He chuckled.

"Oh! Well the pleasure is all mine! I'm Russell! In case it wasn't already clear..." He smiled in return.

"So did you two meet?" Russell suddenly asked.

"Honestly, I don't remember!" Minka shrugged.

"Oh...well that's too bad..." Russell muttered, beginning to feel a tad jealous. How come Minka never told him about this guy?

Just then, Minka's phone began to ring. She checked the caller ID. It was Penny Ling.

"Oh! I'll be right back! You two just stay here and!" She grinned as she walked off.

"Okay!" The two called out as she walked off. As soon as she was out of sight however, the two immediately glared at each other.

"Just who do you think you are?!" Cheep Cheep asked.

"I beg to differ! But I was just about to ask YOU the same thing!"

"Well if it wasn't clear the first time," Cheep Cheep said, mimicking his earlier words, "I'm Minka's COUSIN!"

"Wait...really?" Russell asked perplexed.

"Well yeah! What else would I be?!"

"I don't know! Perhaps a close friend?!"

"Well we're just cousins and-....wait a second!" Cheep Cheep was now eyeing him suspiciously.

"You don't have a thing for my cousin right?!"

Russell's face began to blush at that sudden outburst.

"Pshhh whaaaat? No way! Nope! That's silly! You're funny!" Russell chuckled nervously.

"I could sense a lie when I see it!" Cheep Cheep remarked.

"I'm telling you, I don't like like her like that!" Russell lied again.

"Oh really? So you wouldn't mind seeing Minka with another guy?" He smirked. Well that did it.

"NO WAY!- I-I mean"

"Aha! I knew it!"

"Okay so I DO like her! So what?!"

"'re actually serious?" Cheep Cheep suddenly asked.

"Well yeah! She's just a really amazing person, not to mention pretty..." He sighed. Well that did it for Cheep Cheep.

"You WHAT?!"


"In case you've forgotten, I'm her COUSIN!

"And I'M her FRIEND!"

"Ugh! You're such a dork!" Cheep Cheep exclaimed.

"I'm not a dork!" Russell angrily muttered. " least I'm not a stick!"

"Who are YOU calling a stick?!"

Just as the two were about to bicker some more, Minka came back.

"Hey you two! I see you've been talking a lot!"

The two immediately gave her the fakest smiles this planet could offer.

"Yup! We're getting along so WELL! Right Cheep Cheep?..." Russell clenched his teeth together as he looked over at the taller one.

"Uh...yup! Everything's good!..." He responded.

"That's great! I knew you two would become such great friends!" She giggled happily. The two could only glare at each other.

"Yeah...great!" They both said.

LPS High School AU Where stories live. Discover now