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Harold Winston went up to the group and smirked. He inhaled and began to speak.

"Salutations, new companions!"

"Harold! Are you liking it here so far?" Penny Ling smiled.

"Better than the last place I was in! In fact, I found these right outside the door!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple of tiny white rocks. Zoe blankly stared at them.

"They're just rocks..."

"Not just any rock! They're quartzite pebbles!" Harold proudly stated. Russell squinted down at the rocks and shook his head.

"They're actually Dolostone-"

"Ooh! That sounds fancy!" Vinnie grinned.

"Yep! These are actually quite rare around here!" Harold put the rocks back in his pocket.

"They're literally everywhere..." Russell gritted his teeth.

"Did ya say something, Ferguson?" Harold suddenly asked, throwing the boy offguard.

"What?! Oh no no...nothing at all!" Russell formed a fake smile, hoping to convince him.

"Well anyways, I'm sure you'll be lucky and find one for yourself, Vincent!" Harold continued.

"Do you think they're worth a lot?" Pepper chimed in.

"They're probably worth a lot here!" Harold answered. Russell facepalmed himself.

"Say Harold," Sunil cleared his throat, "by perchance have you seen our friend Minka? It seems like she isn't around..."

"Oh? You mean pinky? Yeah I've seen her! She was with this other girl with the sprinkles on her head." Harold nodded. Russell looked like he wanted to spontaneously combust.

"You even have a nickname for her-"

"Great! Russell why don't you and I go and see what they're up to?" Zoe quickly pulled him up from where he was sitting.

"Zoe what are you-"

"Well we must be off! Toodles!" And with that, Zoe dragged her and Russell out of the cafeteria.

"Hm...I wonder what that was all about?" Sunil whispered to Vinnie, who shrugged in response.


Soon, the two made it in the hallway. It was quiet on the way in. Well...not for long.

"Russell what were you DOING?!" Zoe suddenly hissed. The orange haired boy gulped.

"What do you mean what I was doing?! I was stating the obvious!" He crossed his arms.

"You looked like you wanted to explode! Honestly, you really are that jealous..." Zoe huffed.

"Says you..." He muttered. Zoe's eyes widened in surprise and her face turned into one of annoyance.

"I beg your pardon?!" She hissed.

"N-Nothing! Nothing!" He quickly said, nervously chuckling. He then clears his throat and gave her a serious face.

"I need help."

"Well that's kind of the reason why I took you out of there." Zoe smirked.

"Why? So I could just combust out here?" He sarcastically asked. Zoe could only chuckle, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh if only that were the case...but no. I just need you to relax! Do not think about whatever was making you upset!"

"Seriously?" He shrugged.

"Hey! I've been jealous at least a million times before! Don't think I don't know how that feels like..." She gritted her teeth. Just the thought of all those times made her a tad upset. Russell began to back away.

"Okay...well...maybe I should just go to the library to read. Perhaps that will take my mind off of things..."

"Oh no you don't!" She quickly stopped him.

"What now?" He sighed.

"Relax. All I have to say is...don't overdo it."


"Just don't make it obvious! You" She whispered.

"Ooh....right..." He rolled his eyes.

"Either you're just completely zealous, or you're just really protective." She patted his head and chuckled. She definitely knew which one of thr two it was, but he was probably unsure of that...

"Gee thanks..." He muttered as he fixed his hair back to the way it was.

"Well...I'll see you later!"

And with that, he was off.

Zoe looked back at him and smiled. She knew he was determined to be in peace. But especially with one like Harold. She didn't see anything wrong with him though. Perhaps it had something to do with his facts?...


LPS High School AU Where stories live. Discover now