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"So uh...what now? Any ideas?"

"None...what about you, Russell?"

"For once, I have no idea..."

The three boys sighed. Russell Sunil and Vinnie were currently hanging out. It was just them three. They were in Russell's room, sulking over this boredom. They were previously playing video games, but they got bored after a while.

The girls had informed the boys that they were going to be spending the afternoon together at the spa. Meaning, they better not interfere with their "girl time" or else. And THAT was never a good sign.

Vinnie was lying down on Russell's bed, Sunil was on a beanbag chair that was right next to it, and Russell was sitting at his desk.

"I wonder what the girls are doing at the spa?" Vinnie wondered.

"Probably getting those manicure things...ugh..." Russell shuddered.

"I don't see why girls need to get so pampered up! I mean, are they trying to impress someone or something?" Sunil wondered.

"That's probably why... I'm not really sure..." Russell muttered.

"Especially with all that makeup!" Vinnie added. "They don't need to put on THAT much!"

"At least OUR friends don't wear an excessive amount of it..." Sunil said.

"Yeah! They already look great!" Vinnie agreed.

"You guys have a point. Beauty comes from within..." Russell sighed, beginning to think of a certain individual.

"What are you thinking about?" Vinnie smirked.

"N-Nothing?" Russell lied, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Sure...tell me, you weren't just thinking about something...or should I say someONE?" Sunil grinned.

"And by someONE we mean a certain friend of ours!"

"And by a certain friend of ours we mean-"

"Okay! OKAY! I get it! Geez..." Russell frowned, slightly blushing.

"Aha! So it WAS her!" Vinnie grinned, sitting up.

"I never said any names!" Russell retorted.

"Mhm...the diary mentions the same name in almost every page." Vinnie smirked, glancing at the journal that was inches away from him. Unaware to Russell, Vinnie had been reading it while the boys were sulking for the past hour. Shocking.

"V-Vinnie! Have you been reading my journal AGAIN?!?!" Russell shot up.

"What? It's so funny! Especially the pages where everything is all in rhymes!" He laughed.

"You write poetry, Russell? Fascinating...." Sunil chuckled.

"AGH! No one was supposed to know that!" Russell exclaimed.

"Relax! Sunil and I could keep a secret! We won't tell a SOUL!"

"That's what I'm afraid of..."

"Yup! Especially the poems about Minka!"

"Vinnie don't say it so casually!" Russell put his head on the table, now turning really red.

"Honestly Russell! If you're trying to keep your affections for Minka a secret, you're not exactly doing a good job at it..." Sunil told him.

"Oh really? I haven't NOTICED!" Russell sarcastically responded.

"Hah! That's why you have US! As your best pals, we're always here to help!" Vinnie grinned.

LPS High School AU Where stories live. Discover now