Sounds Like A Challenge

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"Soooo...anything interesting happen today?"

Pepper smirked as she stood next to their usual lunch table, Sunil already seated there. He let out a deep sigh as he slowly looked up at the comedian, the wide grin on her face indicating she already knew exactly what was going on...

"No, Pepper. Not really."

"And by 'not really,' do you mean the fact that not only is there a brand new student amongst our already crummy student body, but he also happens to be in YOUR history class?!" Pepper pried further, the smirk never leaving her face.

Sunil grumbled. "How do you even know about that? You're not even in our class!"

"Dude, word travels fast in this school. You forget we're surrounded by gossip." She chuckled.

"And you believe this said gossip?" He raised a brow.

"I'm not that stupid, Sunil! I believe Zoe's gossip!"

The blue haired teen sighed as he shook his head. Of course she heard it first from her gossipy best friend.

"Dude, It's Shahrukh! THE Shahrukh!" Pepper scoffed, "How are you not excited to be seated right in front of the most popular guy in school?!"

"Is he the most popular?" Sunil raised a brow, " I thought popularity meant nothing to you?"

"This is the ONLY exception, pal!" Pepper crossed her arms.

" instead of making me feel more miserable, why don't you go meet up with your boyfriend already?" He smirked.

"Wha—how did you know that?!" Pepper glared at him.

"Like you said, I believe Zoe's gossip." He reminded.

"That little—" Pepper grumbled before she inhaled, "Okay! Whatever! I'll deal with her later. I'm just gonna go now." With that, Pepper huffed as she walked away from the table, going to go and meet up with the Captain.

Sunil sighed as he looked back at his lunch. The lunch lady special didn't do him any justice, as it was a bowl of pea soup, with who knows what swimming around it. Just as he was about to drown his misery into the soup, the sound of footsteps caught his attention for a moment, the pink haired girl quickly sitting across from him.

"You using this? Thanks!" Minka quickly took a book that was next to him, immediately burying her head into it.

Sunil blinked at the sudden change in behavior. "Er...what are you doing?"

"Shh!" Minka hushed, head still buried in the book, "don't interrupt me while I'm reading!"

Sunil rolled his eyes, continuing to look at her, "You're reading a math textbook..."

"Ok? So what do you want, an award or something?" Minka said, annoyed.

Sunil paused before more footsteps approached their table. A tired looking Russell walked over to them.

"Minka! You forgot your bag!—"

"SHHH!!!" Minka's head popped out from the textbook, an irritated look on her face. Sunil and Russell blinked in surprise. The pink haired girl immediately pulled Russell and sat him down next to her, placing the large textbook in front of them, away from view.

However, Sunil, being the tallest of their group, was able to see past Minka's attempt to hide herself.

"Russell! What are you doing?!" The girl whispered.

"What am I doing?" He whispered back, "what were you doing just running off like that? I spent the last 10 minutes wandering around the school looking for you!"

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