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"So...what exactly is this show of yours about again?"

Penny Ling and Vinnie we're currently walking out from another long day of school, closer to a well deserved 3 day weekend. The two usually were the first to exit out, their classrooms being closest to the entrance.

"Obviously, it's the best show on the planet!" Vinnie exclaimed, "I've watched every episode since day 1, and I've never missed one. Ever."

Penny blinked, merely staring at him for a response.
"That still doesn't answer my question..."

"Okay okay!" Vinnie halted, gathering a few thoughts together before continuing, "So: Shake-A-Leg is basically a dance competition where duos dance it off with each other until there's a winner!" Vinnie grinned.

"And...that's it?"

"What do you mean that's it? Penny, it's so much more than that! You get to see the moves, the action, the flare!" The dancer used his arms to express his detail, flailing them around at every word said, "Plus, there's alway a bit of drama here and there, if you catch my drift."

"I think we already see enough of that around here.." Penny signed, her glance turning at a particular duo of Biskits, who were giggling amongst themselves in the parking lot. The two sisters merely glanced at the two, blowing raspberries in response.

"Aw come on, Penny Ling! I thought you of all people would be a bit more hyped up for this! It's dancing after all!" Vinnie looked up at her, "it's been a dream of mine to one day be on the show! Maybe you should give it a chance!"

"That's great Vinnie, really it is." Penny Ling smiled, "But don't they record their shows in Hollywood?"

"Which is why I'm planning to go sometime this summer! If I can't be on the show yet, the least I could do is be able to watch it live."

It had been Vinnie's dream to one day be on the show himself, a chance to express his creative side by dancing his heart out in front of a live audience. Partners were the least of his concern right now. It's something he could deal with at a future time. He had been trying to save up for one plane ticket to Cali, to visit the heart of the state. Hollywood is his the city of his dreams.

The two were about to cross the street to leave the school area, until they suddenly heard some footsteps, quickly rushing for their direction, the two turned around to meet an out of breath Pepper Clark, slightly crouching at how tired she was. The girl held out a sweater, taking a moment before actually saying anything.

" my locker..." she said in between breaths.

"Oh! I was wondering where I left it..." Penny Ling beamed at the sight of the light yellow sweater, however, her smile slightly faltered, a nervous expression suddenly replacing it.

"But actually Pep, this isn't mine...I borrowed it from Minka."

"....Seriously?!" Pepper gasped again, "So I ran all the way here..."

"No no! But it's a good thing you found it!" Penny chuckled, gripping the sweater, "I thought I lost it! I was so scared that I'd have to tell her I lost her favorite sweater.."

At last, Pepper finally regained her normal heart rate, standing back up and sighed.

"You're lucky I found it. Knowing Minka, she's reaaalllyyy sensitive about her sweaters."

Vinnie glanced over at Pepper, seeing that she had also been holding something else besides the sweater and her own bag.

"Watcha got there?" He raised a brow.

"Russell's tablet." Pepper presented the electronic, "I found it next to the sweater."

"Oh that's right! Russell and I were working on the book report for English class!" Penny gasped, "He must have left it when he got that call from his dad."

"I tried seeing if there was anything good on it, but there isn't." Pepper smirked, "Just a couple of pics and other school stuff, but nothing else."

Penny rolled her eyes as she took the tablet off of Pepper's hands, "Obviously, you were just trying to see if he had anything Minka related on here so you could use it against him." She glanced through a couple of apps as she began closing them one by one, "Honestly Pepper, I think you should just-"

"STOP!" Vinnie quickly grabbed the tablet, startling the two girls instantly, "Is THIS what I think it is?!"

"What?! What is it?!" Pepper tried getting close, only to be halted by Vinnie's hand. He was on the news app, apparently reading an article that had just been posted moments ago. He quietly read it to himself until he suddenly stayed silent. It went on like this for like a minute, Pepper about to question their friend, until he let out what was said to be the loudest and pitchiest screech anyone has ever heard. Pepper covered her ears as many students did the same.

"OMIGOSH YEEESS!!!!" He threw the tablet off his hands, Penny quickly catching it. "PENNY LING, PLEASE READ THAT GORGEOUS HEADLINE AGAIN!"

Penny Ling, confused, slowly looked down at the tablet's screen, her eyes scanning for the headline.

"Breaking: Hollywood's local TV show, Shake-A-Leg, to be recording their 5th season premiere episode in Downtown City-"

"HERE! SHAKE A LEG IS COMING HERE! TO ME!" Vinnie exclaimed, "THIS is better than any birthday combined! WOO-HOO!" He continued to cheer, earning glances from other students.

"OH! I have GOT to tell Sunil! He'll SURELY be excited for this!" He immediately grabbed his bag and left, leaving the two girls in the dust.

"What is this world coming to..." Pepper said, the two feeling absolutely mortified.

"It's like an early Christmas present for him..." Penny replied.

"Worse...It's his dream and our nightmare..."

Immediately, a phone began to ring, Pepper's. The comedian quickly pulled it out of her pocket. Russell. She immediately answered, putting the phone on speaker for both of them to hear.

The line was silent for a moment.

"So...did you two hear know what?" His voice surfaced.

"Article and everything." Penny replied, "you?"

"On the news. Zoe texted me to turn on the TV as fast as I could. Anyone else knows?"

"Sunil's in for a rude awakening." Pepper shuddered, "don't know about Minka though." The line stayed silent for another second, until that uneventful and horrifying question came up.

"And...Vinnie?" He almost sounded scared to even say it.

"It's too late..." Pepper said, "he's gone mad."

"Actually, he looked pretty happy when he left!" Penny raised a brow.

"Same thing!" Pepper rolled her eyes, "Listen, whatever we do, we cannot, and I mean, we absolutely CANNOT GET ON HIS BAD SIDE THIS WEEK. At ALL!"

"A-Agreed! But please tell Sunil that! Knowing Vinnie, he'll definitely want to drag him to the show."

The two girls merely stared at each other and nodded. This was going to be a long week indeed.

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