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Whenever people were in deep thought, they were having a moment for themselves. A time where there were no distractions of any sort. Some alone time is needed every once in a while.

So why did this time feel different?

Sunil Nevla pondered this as he leaned back against the tree he was currently sitting against. He was in his backyard, his only current companion being the large oak tree in the center of the yard. It was a bright and orange evening, as Sunil stared out to watch the sunset. Despite living in a huge city, his house did have a nice view of the sunset.

However, this wasn't what was bothering him at all. It was far from it. Actually, it had to do with himself.

For example, why did he have to jinx himself and make himself appear to be psychic?

Yes. It had all started out as a coincidence. Zoe had misplaced her favorite beret, yet again, and Sunil had suggested it was, perhaps, in her locker. Without taking any other suggestions, she checked, and there it was! It seemed like a lucky guess, but it didn't stop there.

Next, Penny Ling had brought up how her math class was struggling with a certain topic they were learning. Jokingly, he had told her that perhaps there was a surprise pop quiz coming and that she would miraculously ace it.

They had shared a laugh until an hour later, she came out of that classroom with a wide grin on her face.

There was indeed a quiz, and she definitely aced it. 9/10, the highest in the class.

Again, a mere coincidence, he thought.

However, the last straw was made when and Penny Ling began guessing what Minka's latest painting would be of. She had asked him if perhaps he can use his said "psychic powers" to figure it out. Sunil had wanted to shrug it off, but Penny Ling was giving him this pleading he did it anyways. In his mind, he saw a canvas, with different shades of pink all over it. Almost experimental like.

Sunil felt his heart drop when Minka showed up, a canvas in hand. Indeed, it was filled with many shades of pink.

"I wasn't sure what shade was best, so I experimented with them!" She had explained, "turns out, I painted something without even realizing it!"

That only made Sunil want to faint right there. It was hard to believe, but he had predicted it exactly right. Penny Ling was just as shocked, assuming Sunil was just a good guesser. Minka was completely lost, so she shrugged it off and began showing her painting to other people.

"It's all just a coincidence!" Russell had told him while they were in their History class, "there's no way you're an actual psychic."

"I want to believe that!...Kind Of..." Sunil shrugged, "but what about the beret?"

"Zoe always misplaces is. And whenever she does, it always ends up being in her locker." Russell raised a brow, "anyone would have guessed it was there!"

"Okay...but what about Penny Ling's quiz?" Sunil asked, "we're not even in the same class, and I still managed to predict that!"

"Well, that was just a lucky guess! I'm sure whatever they were learning was difficult. It was a matter of time before a quiz was given out." Russell shrugged.

"And the painting?" Sunil groaned.

"What about it?"

"How was I able to predict its exact outcome?! I haven't even seen Minka since Friday, and here she comes, with that exact painting I predicted!"

"Okay, that one's a little iffy..." Russell pondered.

"You see?!"

"BUT, it IS Minka. Pink is literally her color. I'm pretty sure any of us could have seen that coming?" Russell explained.

LPS High School AU Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora