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A very stressed Desi Mynah was endlessly pacing around the warehouse, where the floats and costumes for the upcoming Big Feathered Parade were being created. He noticed the many performers, endlessly rehearsing their acts, the floats, being decorated with many colored feathers. It was truly beautiful...

Even if he was guilty of knowing that this idea was stolen.

His boss, Ramón, known as the Artiste de Feathers, had lost inspiration to even think up of float ideas for the upcoming parade. That was, until two girls, with one holding a portfolio, happened to show him her designs. He loved them! However, he loved them a bit too much, because he decided to use the designs as his own, without anyone noticing. Surprisingly, it worked.

Desi was told not to tell a soul about what he had done, or he was to face severe consequences. Ramón had told him this in the most serious manner.

Just thinking about it made the boy shudder in fear. To be truthful, he was a bit frightful of his boss. Ever since Ramón had hired him as his assistant, he was always in his shadow, seeing everything Ramón did. Ramón wasn't exactly the easiest person to work with. He was very demanding, wanting everything to be perfect, or it was considered "trash," as they say it nowadays. When in doubt, Ramón would always put the heavy duty assignments onto his young assistant.

Sighing, the young teen looked down from where he was once pacing. Now, Desi was on the top portion of the warehouse, resting his arms on the railing before him. He felt like he could explode any minute now. He was indeed very stressed out, and very tired as well. Ramón had left him the task to make sure his plan was running smoothly while he went out to fix his own costume for the parade.

Desi pulled out his checklist for the parade, checking off most of the boxes. There appeared to be a couple left. The next thing he had to do was to check on one of the floats. Something about a car insurance gecko...

"Hiya Desi!!!"

The sudden voice snapped him out of his thoughts, as he suddenly jumped up and fell on his back, not expecting the loud voice to fall upon him. He shook his head as he picked up the clipboard he had just dropped. Looking up, he had expected to see Ramón, waiting to give him another list of things to do. However, it was not Ramón, but a girl. She had pink hair, tied in two pigtails. She looked about his age, a huge grin currently formed on her face. She looked a bit familiar. That's when it hit him. This girl was with the designer from earlier! But how did she know he was here? It was probably when he was wailing about how stressful life is.

Too scared to even respond, the girl took this as a sign to continue, extending a hand out to him.

"I'm Minka! And that girl down there is my friend, Blythe! Nice to meet ya!"

Desi could only look at her hand in disbelief. Since when has anyone ever tried to come up to him and introduce themselves? Needing to be sure if these were the same girls from earlier, he decided to pop the question.

"Wait a minute...weren't you two the ones Ramón were talking to earlier?"

Taken back by the question, Minka pulled her hand back, raising a brow.

"Yeah...that's kind of why I'm here talking to you. You see, I have a hunch that you know something that we don't."

She was onto him, Desi thought as he scrambled to his feet himself, fidgeting with his clipboard.

"And I was wondering if you can help us, mainly Blythe!" Minka continued.

Desi flinched at the request. Never has anyone asked for his help in such manner. Not even Ramón, who has only demanded to get things done, rather than asking for help. Asking was never in his department...

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