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"Alright you guys, are you ready to hear the scariest spooky story ever?!"

Pepper had gathered her other 6 friends in a circle. It was a late October evening and the 7 friends were having a sleepover at Russell's house. It was pouring really hard outside, with big gusts of wind.

The teens had decided to stay up for as long as they could, since tomorrow was a Saturday. Russell's dad, Jerry, was in the living room watching television while the teens were in Russell's room.

"Oh? What is it about?" Zoe smirked, who was siting in between Pepper and Vinnie.

"I call this one, The Werewolf Of Motel 13!" Pepper exclaimed, grinning.

"Pff a werewolf? That's ridiculous!" Russell chuckled.

"Yeah! They're not real!" Vinnie added, earning a nod of agreement from Sunil.

"Oh just you wait, you'll be freaking OUT by the time I'm done!" Pepper turned off the bedroom lights and got out a flashlight, impersonating a werewolf howl.

"I'm terrified..." Russell sarcastically muttered, earning a round of snickering from the others.

"Aww come on Russell! You're already scared aren't ya?" Pepper teased.

"Me? No way!" He retorted.

"Let's just get on with the story and see how NOT scary it is!" Vinnie said impatiently.

"Alright alright!" Pepper cleared her throat as she began.

"It was a cold October night, with a full moon out. It was a night exactly like this one..." She started.

"Oh boy..." Sunil muttered.

"A group of seven friends were on their way to Texas by car, until it suddenly started to rain!"

"I'm scared for my life..." Russell commented sarcastically, earning some shushes from some others.

"As I was saying, it started to rain. So they all decided to spend the night at the nearest motel. However, they were in luck! They arrived at none other than Motel 13! One of the most haunted motels in the nation!"

"I've heard of Motel 6's and 8's but 13?" Minka asked curiously, "I don't think there's such thing...-"

"Oh but there IS a motel 13!" Pepper grinned mischievously. "It's just not well known... So the 7 friends got their rooms and were all ready to call it a night. And then they were all fast asleep, or so they thought! Just then, one of them suddenly woke up! For what reason? Well she was hungry!-"

At that moment, a stomach made a small gurgling sound, catching everyone's attention. They all turned their heads to the source. It was Penny Ling.

"O-Oh! Sorry guys...I'm just hungry..." She nervously giggled.

"I packed a sandwich in my bag! You can have that if ya want!" Minka offered, pulling out the food. Penny Ling smiled and took the sandwich.

"When's the scary part?" Zoe asked impatiently, crossing her arms.

"Relax! I'll get there! Well anyways the girl woke up to get some food from the fridge. However, there was NO food!!!"

At that moment, the sound of thunder was heard, startling Penny Ling.

"No food?!" She cried out.

"Penny Ling! There's no food because it's a motel! They don't usually provide you with food on the fridge!" Russell explained.

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