Strike II

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"Okay Minka you got this! Just play it cool. He won't suspect a thing!"

Minka huffed to herself as she strolled along the streets of Downtown City. It was an early Saturday morning. The girl usually woke up early when it wasn't a school day, otherwise she'd still be fast asleep.

But that was besides the point. Minka sighed as she looked around the shops in the district. Many of them were closed due to how early it was, but Sweet Delights was one of the very few that opened around 5a.m. They've been open for a couple of hours now.

At last, Minka turned the corner of the sidewalk to find two of her favorite places. One was the Littlest Pet Shop, a place where they volunteered at. The other was Sweet Delights, it's practical neighbor.

As Minka slowly walked up to the establishment, that same darn feeling decided to creep up again.

"Why am I so worried? If he sees how worried I am, he'll suspect something! And if he suspects something, he'll probably question me as Cyril McFlip! And if Cyril McFlip is involved, he'll definitely find out how I feel! And if HE FINDS OUT HOW I FEEL, I'LL-"

"Woah there...I think you need to take a deep breath."

Minka had been rambling for too long and failed to notice that she was standing by the shop's door. The door was wide open, revealing none other than Sugar Sprinkles. Minka, noticing how loud she had been, nervously grinned.

" much did you hear?"

"Hm.. all of it." Sugar Sprinkles shrugged, the two walking inside the sweet shop. "It was adorable."

"Me looking ridiculous is cute?" Minka muttered to herself as she sat in her usual booth. Looking around, no one else seemed to be around. She was early.

"Waiting for Russell I see?" Sugar Sprinkles walked back behind the counter, "He told me he was running a little late or something like that..." She shrugged.

"Wait..why would he tell YOU that?" Minka raised a brow.

"Because, he asked me to prepare something." The girl smiled, 'Hold on, I'll go get them." With that, she walked towards the back of the store, humming to herself.

Sighing, Minka put a hand on her cheek, her elbow resting on the tabletop. Whenever the two usually met at the sweet shop, it would be during the afternoons, when it was much more packed. Especially with her current predicament, she was relived they had agreed to meet in the morning. The last thing she needed was anyone else suspecting her new found revelation. Especially if it was someone like the Biskits or Tangier.

Come to think of it, she never thought of how others would react. If anyone like the Biskits found out, they'd probably just laugh. But that's the Biskits. They'd laugh about anything, so it was nothing new.

"But what about Tangier?..." Minka whispered to herself. She knew how much of a grudge he held against Russell, so this kind of info would definitely be used against him somehow. She shook her head. She was no planner, so who knows how far one could go for sabotage.

"Hey what's wrong? Usually you're like all wild and stuff." Sugar Sprinkles came back into view, a strawberry milkshake and banana milkshake in hand.

"Oh! Nothing's wrong! Haha just excited is all.." Minka fibbed, putting on a wide grin to show some kind of enthusiasm. However, once she saw the banana shake, she didn't have to force that smile anymore.

"My favorite!" She gasped, "But I thought milkshakes don't get served so early in the morning?"

"Well...I made an exception. Just for you." Sugar Sprinkles winked, "just don't tell. Russell paid me a liiitle extra."

LPS High School AU Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin