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Soon, lunch came rolling around, as everyone was already gathered at their usual table, already deep in conversation.

"Did you guys hear about the English project?" Penny Ling grinned. "We have to recreate a scene from a novel we've read before!"

Zoe's smile widened. "Finally! This will be my time to shine! And maybe a chance for my English grade to go up..."

"Seriously, I do not see the big deal." Sunil huffed, taking a sip of water. "This is an English class, not theatre!"

"Sunil, it's a simple assignment! And it's worth a lot!" Pepper chuckled, "take advantage of it!"

"So...any ideas on what you're doing?" Minka asked.

Penny Ling, Sunil And Vinnie all glanced at each other in question.

"We're not really sure yet, but we're planning to further discuss this later. Right?" Penny smiled.

"Yeah. I want to do something cool!" Vinnie grinned, "ooh! What about the Terminator?"

"Ooh! Wait...Isn't that a movie?" Minka raised a brow.

"It is?"

"Yes?.." Zoe rolled her eyes.

"Oh...well, what about Finding Nemo?" Vinnie asked.

"Again, a movie." Russell facepalmed, "Maybe you should go to the library and look around. Maybe there will be something for you there."

"Hmm...we can do that now!" Vinnie stood up, "No offense, but this is a project I want to get started on right away."

"That's a first..." Pepper chuckled.

"Then, I shall go with you." Sunil smiled.

"Me too!" Penny Ling followed.

"I might as well join you all. I need to go return a couple of books.." Russell shrugged. "You guys coming?" He addressed the remaining friends.

"Nah." Pepper smirked, "I'll look into it later."

"Same." Zoe said as she began filing her nails.

Russell sighed. "Okay...Minka? Maybe we can start looking for ideas for our research paper for science class?" Russell looked at her, a hopeful smile on his face.

However, instead of her usual, giggly reply, she merely looked up at him, a faint smile taking its place.

"Um..maybe not now, but you can go ahead and look for something!" She gave him a small grin. "I'll see what I can do later.

"Oh...ok then" He nodded, almost a bit sad. "I guess we could work on it later."

"Okay then! Let's go before lunch is over!" Penny Ling smiled as the four walked off, heading to the library.

As soon as they left, Minka sighed, before her gaze landed on Zoe and Pepper, who merely stared at her in shock. The pink haired girl raised a brow.


"Geez Minks. I haven't seen you this upset since...well...this morning." Pepper sheepishly chuckled. Zoe raised a brow.

Minka groaned as she laid her head on the table.

"Darling, is something the matter?" Zoe scooter over next to her, "You've been pretty quite since this morning."

"I'm fine." Minka's voice muffled.

"Are you sure?" Pepper grinned, "You don't look fine."

Minka inhaled sharply, "Ugh, How can I be fine knowing Tangier might try to sabotage Russell and Zoe's photo shoot?!" Minka looked up. Zoe had abruptly stopped filing her nails.

LPS High School AU Where stories live. Discover now