Nerves With a Hint of Mango

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"Ah, I see you're early...20 minutes early to be exact..."

Madame Pom greeted as Russell walked into the room, the orange haired boy smiling in return as he was led inside.

"Yup! Just needed a few minutes to prepare." Russell sighed as he and Madame Pom stepped foot inside of the studio, the camera man currently working on the set up. Today was the day of the shoot, and Russell had decided that coming early would help him better prepare for the photo shoot that was yet to come. He was still very nervous, since it wouldn't be Zoe modeling with him this time around. Plus, he wasn't familiar with Madame Pom's own tactics, so technically, he was on his own this time around.

Fortunately, Minka had agreed to come and watch for moral support, but she still hasn't arrived, which concerned him for a while. Minka wasn't one to bail, but still, it WAS Minka... She did tend to be a bit forgetful about things. Hopefully, she'd show up soon. Cairo didn't mind her presence last time she was here, so that was one problem that was now crossed off his mind.

"My, such professionalism. I must admit, I am rather impressed." Madame Pom batted her eyelids as the two walked around the studio, "If only everyone else were as dedicated as you." She complimented.

"Thanks..." He offered a smile. After hearing a whole rant about Madame Pom from Zoe via phone calls a few hours prior, Russell wasn't sure whether to take her words as compliments, or if she was actually disguising her true intentions. He really didn't want to be hated by another model at the moment...

"So we're doing the photo shoot in here?" Russell asked curiously.

"Right! Mona Autumn is introducing her new winter lineup soon, and she really needs these pictures to be taken as soon as possible." Madame Pom explained.

"Winter lineup? But we're not even halfway through fall yet!" Russell raised a brow, "Isn't it too early to even be thinking about winter?"

Madame Pom let out a soft chuckle, "Oh, Russell, you really are new to all this, aren't you?" The young woman smirked, "Every big fashion company does this. Sure, it may be fall now, but it will be winter before you know it, and a new season means a new line of clothing for people to look at! Really, do you not ever stop to think about what is in season nowadays?"

Russell shrugged, "Not necessarily? No offense, but I'm not exactly knowledgeable about what's 'in season,' and things like that." He couldn't help but chuckle, "Actually, I still don't even know why I'm back here. N-Not that I'm not GRATEFUL, because I am!" He quickly corrected, "It's just...well..." He nervously sighed, "I don't know...What does she even see in me?" He couldn't help but ask, Madame Pom merely looking at him curiously. "I mean, who is even considered a model in Mona Autumn's eyes?"

Madame Pom chuckled again, seeming to be pleased by his curiosity. "Well, we'll soon find out why, now won't we?" She looked over at the crew, who appeared to be finishing up. "Why don't you head over to the dressing room? Mona Autumn has laid out a rack just for you. Just change into one and meet me back here in 5."

"Understood." Russell nodded as Madame Pom walked off, the boy still a bit weary about her.

She really did appear to be a nice person, but Zoe's words did leave an impact on him. She did seem trustworthy enough. However, that was what he said about Tangier, and he turned out to be the biggest jerk he's ever met! Even if she did end up pulling something on him, he'd be more prepared this time around....hopefully.

And speaking of getting prepared, the orange haired nerd quickly scurried over to the dressing room, awaiting the rack of clothing that was waiting for him.


"So Sugar Sprinkles, what are you guys making for the charity ball tonight?"

Penny Ling curiously asked as she sat on one of the booths at Sweet Delights, helping herself to a strawberry smoothie that Sugar Sprinkles laid out for her. The mellow cashier merely chuckled at her friend's question.

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