A Possible Rival?

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"Uh...Russell? What's up with Zoe?"

Minka whispered over to Russell as both peered over to the lab table behind them, Zoe merely scrolling on her phone. However, she held this noticeable frown on her face, something she had on for the last 2 periods of classes. The two clearly caught on, and it was a bit concerning.

"Model problems." Russell whispered back, thinking back to the encounter from this morning,"One of Zoe's old modeling rivals showed up earlier." He pulled out the business card he was given earlier, "For some reason, she came to see me."

Minka took the card, examining it herself. Madame Pom LeBlanc. Her phone number was written on it. She was very pretty, she thought. But why would she come all this way to see him? Surely, there are other ways to reach him? She pushed the thought aside for now, smiling back at her friend.

"Wow! Are you gonna model again, Rusty? That's amazing!" She exclaimed, her eyes quickly widening, she peered over at Zoe, who didn't looked fazed by it. Some students looked at her in question.

"Oops!...I mean...yay..." the pink haired girl whispered, feeling a bit embarrassed at the sudden outburst.

Russell couldn't help but chuckle. "No worries." They both turned back towards the front, the science teacher still lecturing. The two tried concentrating, but for some reason, Zoe's cold aura was making them lose focus. The orange haired teen glanced over at his lab partner, who was scribbling all over her notes.

"Actually," Russell whispered, "I was wondering if you wanted to come along to the shoot? I-If you're not busy that is..."

Minka beamed, looking up from her paper, "Really? I could come along?"

"Of course! It's just gonna be me this time. Without Zoe there, I'd just be a nervous wreck. I could really use some support..." he nervously grinned, feeling his heart skip a beat.

Minka couldn't help but giggle, "I'm your number one fan, Rusty! Of course I'll be there!"  She said as she gave him a thumbs up. However, her smile quickly faltered, "Wait, it's not today, right? Please don't tell me it's today!"

He raised a brow, "No, it's actually tomorrow...Why? Is something going on today?"

"Well yeah, actually." She sighed with relief, "Fluffy Lightning wanted me to get to know the team a little better, and then I'm meeting up with a friend at the coffee shop after school! He's new around here, and I've been showing him around the place earlier."

He? Russell blinked, his interest peaking,"Oh? That's great, Minka. Good to see you helping someone out!"

"Yup! But here's the funny part." She began, "I met him back at the parade! And he helped me out that day! He's so sweet." She smiled. "And the next thing I know, he's here! Who would have thought?"

Sweet? He couldn't help but furrow his brows. Who was this guy? And how did they meet? He didn't see any guy around her during the parade. Unless it was during the period of time she was alone...It would explain a couple of things.

"Though, he doesn't really know anyone...turns out he's in our grade level!" She began to explain, before letting out a gasp. "Oh! Maybe you should come with us! You know, so he could get to know some more people? You could meet him after school!"

The teacher cleared her throat. "Russell. Minka. Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?"

The other students snickered as the two looked away from each other, their faces blushing in embarrassment.

"But—" Minka began to say before the teacher interrupted.

"You know the rules, Miss Mark. Or would you like to serve an hour of detention after school?"

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