Strike OUT

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Well that was a total disaster.

Minka had made it home as fast as she could, immediately jumping back into bed just to scream at a pillow.

What happened back at the sweet shop was definitely NOT a fluke.

They almost kissed.

She and Russell.


After a moment, Minka sighed as she turned around. She was back in square one, lying on her bed, confused, not sure of what to do now.

"Listening to my own advice REALLY helped." Minka frowned, "and talking to myself REALLY MADE THINGS BETTER!" She huffed. So it was weird, but there was no one else to vent on.

Minka couldn't help but sigh. One question really remained intact in her mind.

Why did he do it? What made him so sure she was referring to him? And why was he so forward with her all of the sudden.

Okay, so maybe it was more than one question... Minka grabbed her favorite pink monkey once more, holding it up towards the ceiling. She tossed it a couple of times, before her phone suddenly began to go off. It was an alarm. Minka looked down at the notification, her eyes widening at the message.

"Oh no! I totally forgot that was today!" She quickly sprung up, grabbing the shoes nearest to her and bolted out the door.

It took a matter of minutes for her to get ready, locking the door behind her house. The girl quickly began to run, thoughts still wandering around her mind.

"If I could go back and talk to him, I would..." Minka paused,  "but I doubt he wants to see me right now..."


"I need to see her right now."

Russell paced around his room, his hands behind his back, only looking at the ground.

"What happened earlier was definitely not a fluke! I don't know why it happened, but it did..."

He groaned as he sat on a chair in front his desk, resting his head on top of it.

"Darn you, Sugar Sprinkles." Russell huffed, "but I can't put all the blame on you.." He said to himself. As much as he'd like to be mad at the sweet shop worker, he couldn't blame her for doing her job.

With a sigh, Russell stood up, leaving his bedroom, closing the door behind him. The moment he stepped out of his comfort zone, he realized something...They didn't exactly end in "good terms" per say. Once they left the sweet shop, they were just...gone... He didn't see her after a second, which was typical of Minka. One minute she's there, and the next, she's gone.

It had worried him for a while, especially after what had happened.

The front door swung open, Russell stepping out of the house once more. Closing the door behind him, he sighed as he stepped out into the sidewalk. The sounds of birds and occasional cars passing by the street were the only things he heard. It was fairly quiet, since it was still a bit early. His dad was still asleep, and the last thing he needed right now was to wake him by accident.

Where to start? Russell thought as he walked along the sidewalk. For all he knew, Minka was probably back at home sleeping again. Or what if she had gone to vent elsewhere? Cheep Cheep perhaps?

Russell paused, a nervous feeling overcoming his mind. If Cheep Cheep of ALL people ever found out about this...Oh boy....he didn't even want to think about that.

What about Olive? He pondered, crossing the sidewalk that led to the center of town, where most stores and attractions were located. He knew Olive lived around the busier side of town. However, maybe Minka hadn't gone to her either..

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