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Focus. That's all I have to do...

Penny Ling was currently on stage of the school's auditorium. No one else was around, so it was just her in there. She had her favorite ribbon in hand. Usually when the auditorium wasn't occupied, Penny Ling liked to practice her ribbon dancing. It was one of her favorite hobbies.

However, she'd prefer doing it while no one else was around. Of course she absolutely loves the attention given to her talent! It's just that right now, she was practicing a brand new piece of choreography, and she needed to get it right before actually showing it to anyone.

She sighed once more and positioned herself.

Don't let your guard down, Penny Ling! This is only practice! It's okay if you mess up! After this, you can go to Subway and order a delicious sandwich! Now doesn't THAT sound good?

She licked her lips at the thought of the food but quickly shook her head. No. Right now it's practice time, not snack time!

After a moment, she began to twirl her ribbon around, dancing to the beat of the music going on in her mind. She was gracefully dancing around the stage without a care in the world! This felt like freedom in the works, a completed puzzle piece, a victory.

This is it! It's time for the big finish!

She smiled to herself as she prepared for the final part. She threw her ribbon up in the air and began to leap across the stage. However, as she was about to catch the ribbon...


Someone suddenly bumped into her, making them both crash. The sound of the ribbon clattering against the floor could be heard.

"Oww...." Penny Ling rubbed her head and looked over to find a phone across the floor. She then turned and saw who had crashed into her. As soon as she figured out who it was, a small but light frown formed on her face.

"Aww Vinnie!"

"Oh! I'm so sorry Penny Ling!" Vinnie brushed himself and stood up, offering a hand to her. He helped her up.

"And right when I was about to perfect my routine..." Penny sighed.

"Look. I said I was sorry!" Vinnie pleaded.

"Don't worry about it, Vinnie! It was just an accident!" She smiled.

It ALWAYS was...

Vinnie picked up the ribbon and handed it back to her.

"Vinnie? Did you find the microphone?" The voice of Sunil called out from backstage.

"Nah! But I found Penny Ling!" He smirked.

Sunil came up stage, surprised to see their friend.

"Penny Ling? But what on earth are you doing in here?" He asked her.

"W-Well I...I was just uh...practicing..." She admitted.

"Until I accidentally bumped into her!" Vinnie reached into his pocket.

"Hey...where'd my phone at?"

"Oh! That's right!" Penny Ling looked back at the phone across the floor. She walked over to it and picked it up.

"Here you go!" She gave the phone back to him. He looked at the screen and a large grin formed on his face.

Sunil looked over at it too, but he didn't look too happy.

"Seriously Vinnie? You're looking for Pokemon at a time like THIS?!"

"What? I HAD to catch it! I didn't have that one yet!" Vinnie retorted.

"Oh! Is something going on?" Penny Ling asked.

"As a mater of fact, yes." Sunil took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over to the girl. She unfolded it and read it. It was a flyer for the school's annual talent show.

"It's that time of the year again..." Sunil mumbled.

"Yeah! The time where I get to laugh my BUTT off at the performances!" Vinnie snickered.

"Oh that's right! I completely forgot about it!" Penny Ling exclaimed.

"That's why we're looking for the microphone box. The principal has appointed ME to host this year's talent show! But I am a tad nervous..." Sunil nervously smiled.

"Sunil that's amazing! That's quite an honor!" Penny Ling giggled.

"That's what I told him!" Vinnie patted his best friend's back, smiling.

"Er...y-yes...but I really hope I don't embarrass myself in front of the whole student body! I'd never forgive myself..." Sunil muttered.

"Are you signing up this year, Penny?" Vinnie asked her.

"Well...I'm not really sure I should..."

"Whaaaat? Why not? You'd be great!" Vinnie exclaimed.

"He's right! You'd "wow" everyone with your talent!" Sunil added.

"You guys really think so?" She smiled.

"We know so! In fact, you can even possibly win!" Sunil pumped his fists together.

"Yeah! We'll all be cheering for ya, Penny Ling! Because WE already know how great you are at ribbon dancing! The whole school's gotta know who they're dealing with!" Vinnie grinned.

Penny could only smile.

"Oh thank you guys! You two are the best!" She went up to them and gave them a great big hug, squeezing the two.

"C-Can't...breathe!" Sunil whispered.

"Oops! Sorry!" She let go of them and giggled.

"Well then, shall we keep looking for that microphone box?" Sunil asked.

Vinnie nodded in reply.

"I'll help you guys too! You've helped me so much already!" Penny offered.

"Why thank you! Now let's get going!"

The three set off to look for what they needed.


LPS High School AU Where stories live. Discover now