Getting So Close

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Late! I'm going to be late!

Russell nervously tapped his fingers as he sat in the passenger's seat of his dad's car. It had started raining in the city, and that always meant traffic. Besides him was his dad, Jerry, who was driving. Right now, they were in a bit of traffic, which was something his dad really did not enjoy...

"Lousy teens these days have no sense of respect!" Jerry grumbled as he adjusted his mirror. "They can't even use their blinkers right!"

Russell rolled his eyes. He assumed it was another driver that had cut them off. It was hard to tell with the fog that was forming.

"Dad, I understand how reckless it was for them to just do that, but do you have to say that for every driver that we pass by? Not everyone is breaking the rules."

"Rusty, you just don't understand the rules of the road. Have you even studied the manual?" Jerry asked.

"Multiple times, dad." Russell crossed his arms, still a bit tense. He wasn't sure how long they've been in traffic already, and he really hoped it didn't cause him to be late to the shoot. The last thing he needed was to be viewed as "irresponsible" and "lacking in time management skills" by the Mona Autumn herself. Just the thought of him made him shudder. His gaze landed on the heater, tempted to turn it off. However, as soon as his hand touched the dial, it was quickly slapped away by his dad.


"The heater isn't to be messed with!" Jerry grumbled. "We have to use it wisely!"

"But it's freezing cold in here!" Russell frowned.

"I saw some sweaters in the back seat." Jerry glanced back at the road, "Bundle up."

Russell groaned as he reached for the backseat, picking out the warmest from the bunch. It was his orange hoodie.

He sighed as he quickly slipped it on. Luckily, Minka had returned it last time they saw each other at school. He looked at his watch. The formal must have started by now. He wondered how she was doing. Probably having a much better time than he was having now. She was probably wearing a pretty dress, having the time of her life. Thinking of her made him blush. She'd look good in any dress...

"Come on!" Jerry honked as the car in front of them suddenly stopped. "You can't just stop at a green light!"

Russell groaned as he put on the hoodie over his face. He couldn't wait to escape through this traffic.


"Huh..,it looks like it's really coming down now.."

Pepper whispered to her friends as the movie continued. At this point, Vinnie and Sunil had already finished their pile of muffins, no distractions left. Both of their heads shakily turned as they quickly nodded in agreement.

"I heard it might get worse later tonight, but I'm not really sure." Penny Ling whispered back, her eyes still glued to the screen. By the looks of it, she was really enjoying the film.

"P-P-Perhaps we should just stop the film in case the power goes out!" Sunil piped up, "R-Right, Vinnie?"

"Y-Yeah!" He nodded in reply.

"Why stop? It's getting really good." Sugar Sprinkles smirked. However, Shivers and Buttercream nodded in agreement, shuddering a bit.

"What? A-A little afraid of a movie?" Shivers asked, "cuz I'm not!"

"Nonsense! Vinnie and I have already seen this movie before!" Sunil stated, turning back to face him.

"Keep it down, dude!" Pepper shushed.

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