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"It's the most wonderful time of the year," as some may quote. The holiday season was nearing as Downtown City was quickly being showered with the many decorations and lights hanging from home to home in just about every street. People were already getting into the spirit of the holidays. From caroling from door to door, to buying any last minute gifts, they all seemed to be...happy! Soon enough it began to snow! The many snowflakes poured down the very cheerful city. As the snow began to fall, Minka Mark looked up at the sudden change in weather and smiled.

Minka was gazing up at the evening sky, sitting on one of the swings from the swing set in the park. Besides the snow, there were little to no stars visible in the sky, mainly due to the fact that there were so many lights on at the moment. Instead of wearing the usual pink overalls and shirt, Minka wore a white shirt with a pair of blue overall pants due to the cold weather. She was also wearing a light orange sweater on top, finishing the look with a pair of pink earmuffs placed over her head. Minka grinned at the scenery before her. The joy being spread from person to person was oh so wonderful!

Minka let out a sigh, watching her breath form into a white form before quickly disappearing. She giggled. When she and her friends were younger, they had always thought that whenever they would be able to see their breath during the cold, they had gained some sort of magic power. "Condensation," as Russell had called it, is why they were able to see their own breath. And that's how THAT part of their childhood got ruined...

Shaking her head at the memory, Minka stood up from the swing, clutching into a large bag she had been holding onto this whole time. Minka had gone out to buy some gifts for some certain friends of hers. It had taken her all afternoon to figure out what to get for each friend, figuring out what each had desired all year. It wasn't easy, due to the fact that each of her friends all had different preferences when it comes to gifts...

Minka began to stroll into town as she looked up at the night sky once more. The snow was coming down a lot more now. Having lived here most of her life, Minka knew that Downtown City was always overflowed with snow, with a couple of snowstorms at times. There hasn't been one yet, but knowing how the weather acts around these parts, there will be at least one sometime.

Minka absolutely LOVED the winter! Winter is the season where people get into the spirit of things! The season where people put up their shiny lights, which Minka absolutely cannot resist! Anything shiny is favored by her. Winter also meant snow, which she also liked! With snow, she can make things like snow angels and snowmen.

But the best part of winter? Christmas!

Christmas is probably one of Minka's favorite holidays (besides her birthday). It brings family and friends together, creating memories to commemorate the end of another year. This was the time of year where adults are able to spend time with their loved ones, where children's faces are lit up with glee, exclaiming, "it's Christmas!" on Christmas morning.

Being a high schooler, Minka was still the person who runs into her parents room at 6 a.m in the morning to announce that it was officially Christmas. Heck, last year she had even CALLED her 7 other closest friends to announce Christmas. Agitated at first, Zoe, Pepper, Penny Ling, Vinnie, Sunil, and Russell couldn't help but appreciate the pink haired girl's enthusiasm for the holidays.

Minka made her way into the streets of Downtown City, happily walking through the shopping district part of the city. There were a number of endless shops on both sides of the street, all filled with last minute shoppers hoping to find some gifts for the holidays. Basically every shop was filled with people. Minka sighed with relief. She felt lucky that she had bought all of her gifts earlier in the day. Because if there's one thing the artist couldn't stand was waiting in a really long line. Just the thought of that made her cringe.

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