Always be Together

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Welp...this was it...

Minka Mark was currently at the city's airport, waiting for her flight. Her family had decided to take a nice vacation to Rio de Janeiro in the country of Brazil for the summer. Of course she had told her friends ahead of time (or so she thought), which resulted in a flood of tears (especially from Penny Ling).

In fact, it went something like this:

It was the last day of school before summer was officially here! Students here and there were discussing their plans and such. Especially a particular group of 7.

"I am so hyped for summer! I'm gonna prank so many people for sure!" Pepper pumped her fist in joy, earning an annoyed look from Russell.
"Maybe you shouldn't..." He said.

"Don't be such a party pooper, Russell!" Vinnie defended her, giving her a high five.

"Ooh! Think of all the food we can eat!" Penny Ling stated happily. "Especially at the sweet shop! Buttercream said that they were gonna start making those delicious fruit smoothies again!"

Everyone sighed at the thought of the smoothie, resulting in a chorus of laughter from all of them.

However, there was only one person who wasn't joking in on the laughter.

Minka Mark simply sat there, with a small smile on her face. She loved seeing her friends this happy! But just hearing about everything that they're gonna do...

I'm sure they'll have lots of fun...

"What about you, Minks? Any plans?"

"Huh?" She looked over at Pepper, who had called her attention.

"Knowing you, I'm sure you have some great ideas as to how you'll spend your summer!" Sunil stated as everyone else nodded in agreement.

I might as well tell them now.

"Well actually guys I-"

"Ooh! Are you planning on making some huge amazing painting?" Penny Ling asked.

"No but-"

"Or! Are you gonna go camping like last year?" Pepper piped up.


"Don't tell me you have summer SCHOOL this year?!" Vinnie asked."

"What?! No!"

"Vinnie, you should consider yourself lucky that YOU of all people didn't land in summer school!" Russell said, shooting him a glare.

"Well anyways guys I'm-"

"Says you! You go to summer school just for fun!" Vinnie retorted.

"I said I'm-"

"Vinnie! Summer school helps you get ahead in credits, thus making you ahead altogether!"

"I'M LEAVING DOWNTOWN CITY!" Minka exclaimed. Her outburst really startled everyone. Usually she'd make some random but happy outbursts but this time? This was just very unusual.

"Wait...what?" Russell asked in shock, looking over at Zoe.

"Did she just say?..."

"I said I'm leaving."

The next thing that happened, they all crowded around the pink haired girl, beginning to talk to her all at once, throwing questions such as:

"You're moving?!"

"This can't be happening!"

"You can't leave us!"

"You're one of our best friends!"

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