call me when the party's over

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Why did things have to go the way they did?

These thoughts endlessly roamed through the mind of Pepper Clark, as she ran from room to room, a panicked expression on her face. The Biskit family mansion was huge. She felt as if she were already going in circles.

This was supposed to be a night of fun. But after what she did, well, it changed things.

She was doing what she loved doing best: telling jokes.

However, she was never aware of wether she was going too far, unless she was told.

And right now, she wished she had a brain that told her when she did.

Thinking about it now, Russell had warned her prior to attending the party.

"Listen, some of us can handle the jokes you tell us," he had said, "but you have to be careful around Penny Ling. You know how sensitive she can get!"

Someone did warn her, but her stubborn self didn't listen.

Pepper sighed as she asked around, each party guest replying that they haven't seen Penny Ling around in a while. This worried Pepper a lot more.

The fact that maybe something happened to Penny Ling after what Pepper had done to her.

Pepper had humiliated her.

Again, the Biskit mansion was huge! Penny Ling could be anywhere!

But even if she had found her friend, would she be willing to listen?

Pepper sighed as she checked her phone. No new messages. She had already tried calling Penny many times, but it would always lead to voicemail.

"I don't get it..." Pepper grunted as she walked around some more. "Why am I such an idiot?!"

All she did was tell a joke, trying a new kind of routine. A schtick, as comedians call it. It was something she recently came up with. It was working well at first, people actually laughing and complementing her talent.

However, the jokes soon turned personal.

It shifted to jokes about her friend group. From Russell, Vinnie, even, Digby, Zoe's crush. Eventually, only one person remained, and that's when Pepper's world came crashing down.

Pepper had told that stupid joke.

And Penny just happened to be standing a few feet away, just in time to hear it.

It was dead silent.

Until only the loud sobbing noise coming from Penny Ling herself could be heard.

The poor girl ended up running away from the scene, Minka, Sunil, Vinnie and Zoe quickly following after her.

"Pepper! That was low, even for you!" Russell had angrily scolded her afterwards as the party resumed, "This time, you've really gone too far!"

"Dude! It was just a joke!" Pepper had scoffed, "I thought you knew that!" That only made Russell even more upset, his hands curling up to form fists.

"So you think it's funny that not only you've hurt Penny Ling's feelings, but possibly your friendship?" Russell interjected, turning away from her, "I don't want to hear another word from you right now. Either you help us look for Penny Ling, or you could just leave."

Leave? Seriously? Who was he to tell her what to do?

That had been her mentality earlier, until she realized now Russell was right. Their friendship was at stake.

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