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"Hmm...let's see... do I get the chocolate filled churro? Or the vanilla one?"

Russell thought aloud as he looked up at the churro stand's menu options. Next to him groaned Pepper, who was tapping her foot impatiently.

"Dude, you've been standing here for a good 5 minutes! Will you make up your mind already?"

"This is a very difficult decision to make!" Russell retorted back. "I obviously can't have both, so I have to choose wisely. Now, chocolate or vanilla."

The teenager behind the churro stand let out an exasperated sigh, "Sir, it's just a churro..."

"Not just any churro, my good fellow." Russell grinned, "these are said to be the BEST churros in town!"

"I mean these ARE pretty good." Pepper rolled her eyes.

"I mean, my dad makes them..." the cashier simply said.

"Which is why...you both NEED TO LET ME DECIDE IN PEACE!" Russell huffed as he looked back up at the menu. Pepper and the cashier groaned again.

"Is he usually like this?" The cashier asked.

"Always." Pepper shook her head.

"I got it!" Russell finally said, "I'll take chocolate!"

"Is that your final answer?" Pepper pleaded. "PLEASE tell me that's the one?"

"That's the one!" He grinned.

"About time." The cashier muttered, already annoyed. He picked out the churro from the cart and handed it to him. "I'm almost afraid to ask, but is there anything else you'd like today?"

"Is there?" Russell pondered again.

"NO there isn't!" Pepper half heartedly chuckled, "and we should LEAVE now..."

"Yeah I guess there isn't anything..Wait!" Russell paused, "What would Minka want..."

"Ugh dude! She could come by later!" Pepper dropped the money on the counter, "now come on!" She pulled him away from the stand, earning protests from Russell.

"Hey! I was trying to think about whether she'd like strawberry or cinnamon!"

"Yeah well we wasted enough time as it is! Now we should go before..." Pepper suddenly stopped, glancing around. "Wait...where's Sunil?"

"He wandered off somewhere after he got his churro." Russell jerked his arm away from Pepper, "why do you want to leave this area so badly?" He raised a brow, "is it because of the Captain?"

"No way!" Pepper frowned, "I just want to see everything else! What does he have to do with this?" Unaware to Pepper, Russell had his eyes fixed on something behind his friend, nervously glancing back and forth.


"Honestly, he could do whatever the hell he wants!"


"Why does it concern me as to what he does? I could care less!"


"WHAT?" Pepper yelled back, the boy's eyes not darting away.

"Don't look now, but look who's waving over to us..." he nervously smiled as Pepper quickly turned around, her heart rate immediately rising. Mitzi, Captain Cuddles and Sunil were walking their way. Mitzi was currently chatting with Sunil while Captain Cuddles had a smile, eyes right at the pair.

"Are you kidding me?" Pepper whispered as she and Russell nervously waved back, "Why didn't you say anything?!"

"I was trying to!" Russell whispered back as they finally approached them.

LPS High School AU Where stories live. Discover now