The Solution?

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"Okay, everyone! You know what we need to do, and we have to do it fast!"

Russell stood amongst his friends, who were all gathered in the auditorium. It was now after school, and as soon as word spread about Sweet Delight's potential downfall, Russell was quick to gather as much people as possible and had them all meet at the auditorium. He stood on the stage, a large whiteboard next to him. His friends all sat in the first row, all looking up at him in confusion. Most of them were not aware of what was going on, but came anyways. Pepper, Vinnie, Zoe, Sunil, Minka, and Penny Ling sat among the seats.

"Uh, Russell?" Penny Ling was quick to raise her hand, "I hope this doesn't sound silly, but why are we gathered here? I didn't quite get the memo here..."

"Yeah, I heard it was an emergency, and I brought everything just in case!" Zoe piped up, pulling out her prized caboodle from under her seat, opening to show off all of her makeup. "Say the word and I'll give them the makeover of their lives!"

"Zoe, it's not a fashion emergency!" Russell rolled his eyes, "I thought I made that clear!"

"Really?" She scoffed, "Well, one can never be too prepared for this kind of thing..." She turned to her friends, "Anyone want a makeover? I have a new eyeshadow palette I've been meaning to try!"

"Ooh me! Do me!" Minka quickly raised her hand. "I want one!"

"Guys, focus!" Russell called out, the girls quick to turn their focus back to him. "Anyways, we need ideas, people! Problems won't get resolved on their own!"

"I still don't know what this is about.." Penny Ling raised a brow, looking at Pepper who sat next to her.

"I have no idea either." She replied.

"Ugh, did I not send the text to the group chat I made?!" Russell frowned as he pulled out his phone, beginning to look through it.

"What group chat?" Vinnie asked.

"The one I created earlier..." His words trailed off as he began scrolling through his texts. There was a group chat, with a message left unsent. Wow.

"Whoops. Looks like I didn't even send it.." He nervously grinned. "Sorry, everyone.."

Everyone else groaned as he finally sent the message, everyone's phones going off at once. Many of their faces formed frowns, some eyes widened here and there, and a chorus of gasps emitted after a moment.

"Holy cow! Sweet Delights might close down for good!?" Pepper gasped, "But WHY!?"

"What?! We can't let that happen!" Vinnie perked up, "it's like my favorite place ever!"

"I thought your bed was your favorite place ever?" Sunil raised a brow.

"Eh, it's a close second." He shrugged.

"Guys, we really have to do something!" Minka was quick to stand up.

"I agree!" Penny Ling stood up as well. "Minka reminded us me how we all have some kind of memory that involved the sweet shop in some way."

"Ooh yeah! Remember how we stayed up eating the all you can eat ice cream buffet years ago?" Pepper grinned at Sunil and Vinnie, whose gazes faltered at the memory.

"I remember getting sick after that." Sunil rolled his eyes.

"But it was fun! We should totally do that again!" Vinnie grinned.

"Remember when Shivers took all of the spoons from inside? Classic." Minka chuckled.

"Oh! And don't forget, Sweet Delights was where I met my first fan!" Zoe sighed at the memory, "that's when I knew my career was off to a great start!"

LPS High School AU Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat