To Serve and Protect

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Sometimes, life gives you some kind of guide. One that can lead you away from danger. It's kind of like those old fairy tales. There's a Princess, and she has an army of knights to protect her wherever she went.

It's also kind of like a bodyguard. Maybe a famous celebrity could be walking around, but with the paparazzi always behind them for every second, they'll definitely need a bodyguard to shoo them off.

Well, I guess I could be described as such, except my intentions are different.

My name is Cheep Cheep. I'm currently a student at Downtown City High School. One of my top priorities is to always make sure my cousin, Minka Mark, is always safe. Especially from boys who try to hit on her.

Kinda clingy, right? I thought so too. But my dad always told me how proud he was that Minka and I are such close cousins. We've known eachother for the longest time and I've noticed many things about her.

For one thing, she's always happy. Even if something like a bad fall happened, she would quickly shake it off and move on.

Minka was also talented. She started painting at a young age and let me tell you, she's improved so much since that first colorful disaster in our living room. (It took hours to clean every nook and cranny!)

However, now that we're in high school, Minka wasn't exactly the easiest to avoid.

I'm still new around Downtown City, but Minka? She's changed a lot. Not in a bad way. But in a way where she catches unwanted attention.

First of all, she's very pretty. Zoe always commented on that whenever we see each other. "I'm still surprised that she still doesn't have a boyfriend yet!" Zoe would comment. Usually, I would laugh and move on. However, those comments started to become a little more frequent. From Zoe, Pepper, Penny Ling, eventually, they started coming from other guys.

And I wasn't having that at all.

Most guys at this school are jerks. I know this because most of these people are in my classes! From jocks to nerds. Ugh, why would a guy be talking to me about MY cousin? How he thought she was CUTE? Um hello? You're talking to her older COUSIN!

So of course, I take action.

I don't have any other siblings, and neither does she. We consider each other siblings in a way, since I always confide in her, and vise versa. Whenever one of us would be in trouble, the other would quickly swoop in to help.

Minka was also very compassionate. She tries her best to help people in need. That included her friends, and myself. Minka always makes me laugh whenever I'm feeling down.

Anyways, I make sure most of these guys stay away from her, because perhaps their intentions aren't exactly the best. Maybe I do go overboard sometimes, but I do it to make sure my cousin doesn't get hurt!

Sometimes Minka catches me doing this, and merely tells me that she could defend herself! Absurd. I already know how strong she is, but still... Sometimes she gets upset and doesn't talk to me for a while, but I tell her how important it is to know what people really want.

I want her to be more careful with who she chooses to be with.

It's been like that for years. It just because much more common once I transferred to Downtown City.

But then one day, something changed.

Usually, I went in making sure guys stayed away from Minka. However on that uneventful day, I noticed something different.

Minka wouldn't stay away from one guy in particular.

His name was Russell Ferguson.

Weird, I thought as I walked in. Something was off. Thinking now, Minka never seemed to show any interest in anyone else the whole time I've been around. She was always usually with her friend group. Those 6 others who I soon learned were her best friends. And that one guy in particular was among that circle.

For a moment, I only assumed he was just a friend. However, looking at his behavior closely, I noted some features that made him stand out. He gave her the widest smile, the most attention, and the dorkiest glance I've ever seen. Plus, whenever she complimented him, or got too close for my liking, he'd blush!

Yup, he definitely liked her.

I couldn't stand it. But what could I do? This dude was her best friend, not to mention they've known each other as long as I've known Minka. He was so...dorky!

And apparently, all it took was Russell Ferguson to be himself to catch my cousin's attention.

At some point she told me. She fell for him. She feel hard. All she ever talked about was him!

Did I want to be hearing this?

Yes and no.

Yes, because now that I know it's not just some random weirdo she fell for, I wouldn't have to worry as much.

No, because it was Russell! We aren't exactly buddies. I'm just as smart as he, which kinda conflicts with a lot of things that matter to us, especially ranks. Ugh...our school is big on that. Most students don't care, but I want to be on top.

Yes, because I don't have to worry as much as to where she goes and who she's spending her time with. I'll always know she's with a friend.

No, because unlike her, I don't know much about him. "You should get to know him!" Minka would tell me, encouraging for us to be friends. She was well aware of our little rivalry, and always tried to end that. I guess it's safe to assume that Russell also felt the same.

Yes because...he actually shows that he cares for her.

No because... he actually shows that he cares for her.







Does it matter what I think?...

As long as she's happy, I'm happy.

I'm not going to lie. Russell is one of the most trustworthy people I've ever met. Sure, we have our ups and downs literally every day, but aside from that, he shows a side that not most people have.

A responsible side.

Whenever he does something, he does them carefully. Quite the opposite of myself. I like to get things moving ASAP!

Also, he cares for his friends a lot. I've seen how he talks to the others. Breaking Sunil and Vinnie away from fights, consoling Penny Ling after a crying session, giving Zoe and Pepper advice for their routines, and giving Minka feedback for any of her new paintings.

Of course, our dumb rivalry is the main reason I sometimes hold a grudge against him.

He's just so nice to Minka. Not everyone is like that. He's been there for her when I couldn't.

That's why, deep down, I'm rooting for him.

Of course, I'll NEVER say this to his face. Or I'll never hear the end of it.

We may be at odds, but he's the one she wants.

And I hope he steps up before someone else does.


Author's Note: hello 🌚 writing in first person has always been my favorite to write, and I realize I never did it often for this story. That's why, I'm going to try and rotate. Third person omniscient will be the most common for this book, but maybe at some point, I'll write in the perspective of certain characters. 👌🏼

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